Saying Goodbye

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Here's another chapter enjoy guys!!
To be honest this chapter was difficult for me to write no joke.

I was glad I was back travelling with Sesshomaru, happy to be by his side again as we were walking side by side together, alone together, and I was smiling, me happy, me humming a song, me humming Royal Blood by Kamijo, and Sesshomaru just stared at me as we walked, side by side.

"What did you do while travelling with that Wolf Demon?"
Sesshomaru asked me.

"We talked, joked around, had dinner, and they defended me from any Demons who tried to eat me.
They were nice guys.
Koga especially was really nice.
I think he really liked me.
He gave me extra special treatment.
He made sure I was really comfy when we bunkered down anywhere, and made sure I ate well, and also made sure Ginta and Hakkaku got me anything I need, no complaints."
I say to Sesshomaru making him frown and do a Tch.

Sesshomaru looked unhappy it seemed.
Is he jealous?
He is!
Oh damn!
I thought to myself.

"Are you mad?"
I ask him.

Sesshomaru walked forward faster, and I had to try hard to keep up with him.

"You look it."
I tell him.

"You two glared at each other when you met."
I admit to him.
"Like you two wanted to rip each other's faces off."

Sesshomaru glared at me with a heated glare.
"You gest too much into things."

I got chills from that glare, and he looked forward.
I then put a hand on his arm, and say.
"Sesshomaru don't worry I'll always be indebted more so to you and not him, and always be by your side and never his.
I'll always pick you."
I assure him.

Sesshomaru looked to me and then forward, and tinged pink in his cheeks.
"Did you miss me?"
I ask him.
"I was gone a month you know."

Sesshomaru looked to me stopping walking and turned to me, and reached out, and caressed my cheek.
"Yes I missed you and do not tell anyone this."
Sesshomaru pulled his hand away from my cheek, then looked away from me.

Sesshomaru then walked away and I follow him, wondering if that was a kind of a confession?

I then walk beside him my heart racing at him saying what he said, making me wonder if he does like me in a way that was  maybe love or something, but the last time he did make that threat of using me in sexual ways, but so far he hasn't touched me like that.

"You stare."
Sesshomaru comments looking to me.

I look away from him immediately and clear my throat.
"It's nothing."

"I detect a lie upon your tongue."
Sesshomaru comments to me.

"It's nothing I swear!"
I tell him, me flustered.
I look away from him more and humphed too having attitude.

"As you say."
Sesshomaru says to me, shaking his head, making his long silver hair swish.

"Sesshomaru were you worried?"
I ask him, looking at him, making him look to me.

Sesshomaru stared at me.
He admits this to me.

I blink, shocked he was, then look away, and smile.
"I guess I've grown on you a bit since I've travelled with you.
In a way I'm glad."
I breeze goes through my light blue hair with a red streak and I look up at the trees we were walking by, and enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms fluttering on the trees.
"They are beautiful though, the blossoms on the trees.
Back home we had tall as hell pine trees that reached high to the heavens, and it was humid too, and rain was common.
Even hurricanes too at a certain season."
I tell Sesshomaru, then look at him.

Royal Blood {Sesshomaru Romance {18+}Where stories live. Discover now