What a strange thing!

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So this is my first story I hope you enjoy you oh don't start the music yet.

You were almost a normal person though not always normal you were ether in Your room watching videos or doing art and talking to friends.THIS though was a rare acastion you were out on a walk *Start the music now* so you just walk in around doing stuff and you see a crowd of people you decide to check it out. When you got in the middle you saw a rather weird hole almost like a portal. Just as you pulled out your phone to take a picture you suddenly felt yourself being pushed by someone"What the hell?!?!" You skreached as you fell into the portal,and everything went black...hello?hello??HELLO! You jolted awake to see two very VERY familiar skeletons Dream and Nightmare but not any night passive! You thought." Are you ok?" Dream asked with concern." We saw you fall from the sky!" "Oh crap" you thought."Well you see I kinda fell because i'm from a different universe and I fell though a portal?" You said praying they'd believe you and not think your crazy. Luck was on your side and they seemed connvinsed. "That's so COOL! But where will you stay human?" Dream asked "I'll find some were. Oh I for got to intrude my self i'm y/n" "I'm dream and this is my brother nightmare were the guardians of the tree of feelings I guard the positive side and my older brother Nightmare guards the negative side."Well that's cool hi nightmare!" "H-hi." Nightmare says very shyly and some what afraid I mean I can't blame him being bullyed has its tolls on everyone."Wanting to save nightmare from becoming corrupt fills you with determination" You hear a voice say must be chara's voice.you hear voices getting closer and you see a group of people and take  dream well guess i'll stay with nightmare then. "P-please don't hurt me!" You hear nightmare say to you. This caught you off guard."Hey hey i'm not going to hurt you" you says softly
"B-but why everyone else hates me because I-I spread negativity" nightmare said sobing "Well I'm not one of those people" you say ,once nightmare dried his tears you guys started to talk about your hobbies and once night mare even told you a funny story "W-wait I don't believe you" you say weaseing " i'm serious dream really did do that" nightmare said laughing. But as all things do they come to an END. To be continued.

a broken love (passive nightmare x reader x corrupt nightmare)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin