Meeting eachOther

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don't play the song yet i'll tell you when on with the show!

Y/n's POV: When I woke up I saw non other that past Night himself. "Are you ok? I sensed a lot of negativity from you!" Nightmare says in a concerned tone "Nighty I'm fine I didn't mean to  worry you." You say calm and gentle. "Well if you say so but I'm staying the. Night ok?" He said more calm then before."ok!"You say exsitedly. Thus you and Nightmare had a great little sleep over. While you were turning on the tv Nightmare seemed pretty startled when the sound started. "Nighty you good?" "Where's that noise coming from?" He said a tad scared "hehe Nighty that's coming from the TV. Have you never seen a TV before?" "Well to be honest no I've never seen what you call a TV before. I have barely gone outside of the trees line of sight before." You spend the night explaining every thing to him and went to bed.
Corrupt Nightmares POV: I like the vibe I get from her and she is brave too she didn't even flinch when I showed up interesting... Maybe I should go talk to her again since she's asleep again. Yea I'll do that.
Passive Nights POV: I think I should check in her dream for awhile to make sure it doesn't come back. Yea that's a good idea.
Y\N's POV: I enter the dream realm again to see Nightmare or should I say corrupt Nightmare enter I waved a hello and he kinda waved back? I don't really know. "Your very interesting Human." "So? I don't really care if I'm interesting to you." You say with a dead paned look. " jeez Human you really know to hurt someone trying to compliment you." He said with sarcasm "ok then how are you?" You said with a tad bit of sass. You dropped the sass and said " Look I might have over done it so let's start over I'm y/n" you said "I'm Night-" Corrupt nightmare was cut of by Passive Nightmare his purple pinpricks darted to you as he stod in front of you then darted back to corrupt Nightmare "Well we'll look who dropped in?" Corrupted Nightmare said " Who are you ,and what do you want with y/n!" Passive Night said "aww I'm hurt that you wouldn't remember your own SELF. Passive looked shocked and was paralysed with it. "Now I'll be taking this human you dare call "your friend" ". ,and with that your dream ended
Passive Nightmare POV: They left I rushed to leave the dream and see if    y/n was still there unluckyly she wasn't.      I was shocked how could he take her so fast? I questioned "I will find you y/n" I said in a determend tone.

To be continued
Passive: Why do we have to fight again?
Me: Because of the plot! We must respect the tradition of fighting over a girl✨
Corupt: but why?
Reader chan: yeai agree with corupt why?
Me: IDFK man its for plot period. Oh your still here? Shit CUT THE CAMRA!

a broken love (passive nightmare x reader x corrupt nightmare)Where stories live. Discover now