Chapter 9 - Abispa

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Abispa was restless, sitting down, walking downstairs, and coming back up every few seconds with a coiling and uncoiling tail. Was Azure alright? The grumpy SilkWing was still an ally, toxic towards HiveWings internally or not. Well, he was outerly to be honest, but he rarely showed it unless it was for lower class HiveWings which couldn't do anything to him. But then again, he wasn't that mean towards them (Abispa). It wasn't fair that Wasp controlled every single HiveWing. Otherwise, everyone's lives would be so much easier. Abispa's wings twitched irritably as they snapped up more honeydrops to distract them, which was utterly unsuccessful.

Azure, Azure, Azure. That was all Abispa was thinking about, weirdly, haha brain. Very funny, stressing them out for no reason at all. They didn't seem to wind down, spreading their wings and closing them again, as if they were ringing Go save him! Go find out where they're taking him! and attempting to force them to fly up, but they were in control and there was nothing their wings could do about it, although they seemed to be trying. 

Their wrist stingers retracted and became visible rapidly, tiring them out as they sat down. Moons. This isn't that scary, but yet I'm so worried. If I had the Book of Clearsight . . or be Clearsight herself, although I would never be able to control her power - I could find out that we'll all be OK. | You sound as if you're sure about that. Abispa's subconcious murmured at the same time, blurring out the rest of the sentence.  They frowned, talons stumbling over each other as they tripped over something. Agh. They hadn't tripped in a while (which was actually rare, since they were rather clumsy, although their appearance made them appear quite elegant.). And when was Click coming back? A question they did not know. He wasn't here for a year now, and his memory was blurring away, unfortunately, although Abispa liked him very slightly, and although he was Wasp's lacky too, they believed he could help in some way. Sometimes, they trusted him with important stuff more than they should. After all, he was super distant, but they were Abispa's only parental figure. Her oh-so-mysterious mother had left her egg for some apparent reason which Abispa did not know of, and Click was always very distant. Sending Abispa to a HiveWing school must have made him thought they wold be busy, but unfortunately, the exact opposite happened. Abispa started to dislike HiveWing School, all the dragonets were rather stupid to be honest. And the teachers - their nonchalent tones were so boring and plain. All the dragonets were always giggling about the other gender, which I was disgusted by. My younger mind often responded with Blegh! The way they talked about it still made my matured mind say the same thing as my immature one too.

I sounded like I was 5 again - not that I didn't want to be 5 again. 1 week and 3 days ago, before I started 'stalking' (I didn't think I was 'stalking' Azure, just watching him work, like a normal dragon - if that normal dragon's time went 30x slower) Azure at his school I would have groaned at the thought, but a lot had happened since then.  Azure had been in metamorphosis for two days, and yesterday Waspy just couldn't get her talons off my mind, could she? Yeah, Waspy will be what I call Waspy from now on. I hate her, just so you know. This is an internal way of taunting her. | Why internally? Why not do something for once in your life? Be a dragon, not a zebra, Abispa. | I am NOT a zebra. I know she'll make me die in horrible ways which I cant bear to think about if I expose her for all the wrong she does. | Well, instead of sitting there why don't you go do something about it in secret then? Like help Azure, recruit a rebellion, anything! | You might be onto something, actually . . a rebellion does sound sensible. We could burn down HiveWing shops in secret, boycott their goods - oh no, what am I thinking? I'm a hivewing! I can't lead a rebellion which will be packed with angry SilkWings like Azure - except they'll hate me! That would be even worse! They'd elect a new leader, too! This is the worst, how am I supposed to make a rebellion of HiveWings against Queen Wasp? | Hey, calm down, don't be such a paralyzed sheep. | I am NOT a paralyzed sheep! Stop insulting me! |  Why? I know your trying to think this through, but dragons who spend all their time thinking never actually do anything! That's why some dragons are heroes, and others aren't! |  I know, I know. I'm just not in the most courageous mood right now. | After he wakes up somewhere, knowing you didn't save him, he's going to hate  you. | I have a feeling he would understand I was controlled by Waspy. | Then find a cure, idiot! | How am I supposed to do that? It's just something from birth, its not an infection or anything. You cant cure having black scales. You can only ignore them.| So tell me, how will you ignore that blasted hivemind?! All HiveWings have it, and they cant ignore it, or else there would be more HiveWing protests, right??| True. True | So what will you do? | the voice said, fading into darkness again.

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