Chapter 3: What To Do

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Just as Mio finished the flashback story, the doctor came in the room. He said

"I'm sorry Akiyama-san, but I'm afraid your time is up. Your friends are waiting outside in the Waiting Room."

Mio dropped her head in disappointment. She gets up from her seat and bowed down.

"Thank you." Mio went straight out of the door. The doctor went to Ritsu to give her a few tests on her memory.

"Alright Tainaka-san, what do you remember?....."....

Mio entered the Waiting Room, seeing that all her friends were waiting for her. As soon as they saw her, they all rushed up to her, asking a bunch of questions. Satoshi was there too.

" Mio-neesan, what happened to onee-san?! " Satoshi asked, worriedly.

"Ritsu... Bumped her head when she fell down the stairs and lost her memory." Mio dropped her again in dissapointment. Satoshi was shocked. He was lost for words.

"I hope Ritsu-senpai will be alright!" Azusa said, worriedly too.

"She will, Azu-nyan! Just believe." Yui reassured. Even she doesn't know if Ritsu will retrieve her memory back.

"Well, what do we do?" Mugi asked calmly.

"I believe we can tell her about herself and ourselves. That's the best we could do." Mio answered.

They all nodded in dissapointment. They wanted to help her more, but that's all they could do. The rest would be left for the doctors.

They all went outside the hospital door together. They all began to go straight home. None of them talk while they walked. No one even dared to break the silence, except. Yui, who had to say:

"Ja ne, minna." She said sadly. Everyone else waved back at her, going separate ways to their own houses.

Mio was there, walking alone. She felt afraid, because Ritsu would always walk back home with her. Ritsu would always tease her and make jokes along the way. It made Mio feel comfortable. But now that she isn't here, Mio kept sighing and remembering those good times.

Mio arrived home.


"Okaerinasai." Her mother greeted back.
Mio just went straight into her room and locked the door. Mio hopped on the bed with her pillow on her face, thinking if Ritsu will ever recover. 'What if she doesn't?' Mio thought.

Her memories broke down as she received a text message from Yui. Mio opened up the message and saw:

Hey, Mio-chan. I know we are all sad about Ricchan, but just think of the positive side. She might recover and retrieve her memories after all the hard work. So, stop thinking about the negative, and about the positive. Alright, Mio-chan? I hope you understand.


Mio was shocked about the sudden message. It was like Yui could read her mind from afar. Mio then just grinned and texted back:

Thanks Yui. I feel better now. I'll stop thinking about the negative, and about the positive.

It was getting late and HTT had finished their dinner. After that, they took a shower and changed their clothes. They then went to bed, but before closing their eyes, they all prayed:

"Please have Ritsu recovered and retrieve her memories soon." They all then went to a deep slumber.


I know, there was a lot of Mio stuff here, but calm down. I won't turn this into a MIO X RITSU fanfiction. So don't worry. Haha.

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