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Hello, guys! Yes, I saw your comments. Thank you very much! I'm glad you like the story.


I'm gonna have to put it on hiatus. I'm so very sorry.

It means that I'm not going to continue this story until I say so.

Don't worry! I have a ton more Mitsu and K-On fics on

My username is MitsewoFF

Search me and you'll have at least...8 stories? Of Mitsu...

They're all so romantic YAY!

There's also a ton more stories of Mitsu or K-On on the site.

Especially Ritsu X Mugi, Ritsu X Mio (of course) and Yui X Azusa!!!

That's it for now!

Ryo | Signing out!

K-On!! Ritsu's Memory LossWhere stories live. Discover now