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Tartaglia POV

I'm bored... Signora already gone to Mondstadt... And now I left alone with a cryo slime in my arm...

"Ahhh... Why are you so soft~?"I ask the slime while pocking it. I don't know why the slime like me so much... They always sit on my lap when I'm sleeping near the frozen lake.

"Oi! Stop playing with the slime! And one more thing... How the fuck is the slime didn't attack you?!"yell Scaramouche.

The slime surprise and go jump back to the frozen lake with it's friend.

"This is why everyone hate you you know. You like to make someone or something scared and run away."I say with a smile on my face.

Scaramouche POV

I swear there will be a body about to discover if this brat isn't a harbinger...

"Whatever. You need to go back now. You dumb brat..."I muttered and turn away. Why did Signora ask me to look over the brat again...?

A few hours ago...

"Scaramouche... You better take care of that brat. I don't want to hear anything bad coming from his mouth. Especially what you teach him on the first day him in Fatui."Signora said with a serious voice.

"Which word exactly? I teach him a lot of things."I say with confidence.

"THE "HELLO MOTHERFUCKER" ONE YOU SHORTY!!! HOW COULD YOU TEACH HIM THAT?! HE JUST 14 YEARS OLD THAT TIME!!!"She yell while holding my collar and shaking me like crazy woman. Who am I kidding... She already crazy.

"Anyway...you better not bullied him."she said and let my collar go and let me fall on my ass on the thin ice.

'This bitch...'I swear in my head. This troublesome woman have turn soft at that little demon... Can't blame her though. That little shit is too young and innocent...

Tartaglia POV

Did I do something wrong? I just play with the slime though... Why do he have to be so cool... I already miss Signora.

'At least I can go visit her sometime when I work at Liyue. I'm sure she don't mind.'I thought and get out to go back to my hometown. It's been so long since I go back home. I wonder how my family doing...

Third person POV

Tartaglia continue to walk to his hometown. Don't give a single fuck how far and how much time it take to arrive.

'Finally... I'm here.'he thought. As he arrive in Morepesok.

"Hey there *tetya."he say to his neighbor.

"Huh? Oh my... Can you be... Ajax?"she ask. Ajax smile and let his hood down.

"You get it right tetya~"

"Oh dear! It is a surprise too see you here! Did you get a vacation? And don't worry. Teucer still don't know about your real job."

"Hahaha. Thanks for keeping it as a secret tetya. But no. I'm not here because of vacation."he say with smile.

"I don't trust that smile. Tell me what happen."

"I will working at Liyue."he answer.

"Liyue?! But that's so far from Snezhnaya!"

"I know tetya. But I want to see the outside too."

"I understand that dear. Becareful though. Liyue weather is hot."

"I will tetya. Bye~"he say and wave at the woman and go inside his house.

'Liyue eh...? I wonder why there?'the woman thought to herself as she going inside her house.

"I'm home~"

"Ah. Welcome home Ajax~"his mother say with a smile, making Ajax feel warm inside.

"I'm home mother."he answer and hug his mother. "Anyway...where are you going?"he ask. Curious with what his mother wearing.

"Your siblings school call me just now. They need to talk with me."she answer.

"What? Why? Did they do something wrong?"he ask. He wonder what did they do. The school never call them before from what he know. He sure that his siblings is an angel. (You sure?)

"I don't know darling. They didn't tell me anything yet."she answer. From her voice, Ajax know that his mother are worry.

"You can stay at home, mom. Just let me go."he say. His mother just watch him, making her worries less than before. Knowing that Ajax will do anything for there family.

"You sure darling? You just come home..."she say.

"I'm sure mother. Just trust me okay? I'll make sure they didn't do anything wrong."he answer.

"Very well... But remember, don't use violence expect it was need to."she say while brushing Ajax chin with her hand.

"Of course mother."he answer and went off.

"You sure do worry about him huh..."say his father who come out from another room.

"Of course I do. His my son."

"Why can't you get it...? Ajax already dead..."he say. Making her become speechless.

'No... I'm sure Ajax still alive.'she thought.

They really don't know that Ajax already dead in the Abyss. All is left is the pre-abyss, Childe.

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