The Ultimate Fan-Girl???

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Ok,  so if you've read my description you probably have somewhat of an idea of who I am and what this account is about.


Yep. I'm actually a professional and published Author!
And,  .... I know what you're thinking,
"No you're not that's just something you've made up to make yourself sound cool and fit the anime aesthetic!!"

Nope. I am actually a professional author,  and even though I don't want to tell you who I am on my account in case my fanfic acc accidentally gets merged with my author page,  etc- I'm happy to tell you who I am if you DM me (no I'm not famous,  but the author world is a judgy place. And especially danganronpa and novel writing is something you do NOT want to merge.)

But on here,  for now, I'll be going by the online pen-name 'Michi.'


So a little more about me and being an author I guess (then we'll go onto some danganronpa stuffs :) )

So wattpad was actually my gateway to writing to an audience. I started my main wattpad account just when I had turned 11- I'm now 17 which means I've been active (or at least semi-active) on wattpad for over 6 years, which I guess makes me- "A FORMER HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL WATTPAD NAVIGATOR!!" Haha. I used to be obsessed with wattpad, I joined it before I was really super into fandoms and I wasn't a fanfic writer but I realized that Wattpad seemed to have a big audience for fanfic. So I dabbled in it- never really liked it tbh... But I did enjoy writing Undertale fanfic, there was just never enough of a plot that I actually enjoyed though, but seeing that fanfic I would literally spend minutes writing did like 10x better than my actual original stories upset me... So I ended up removing most of the fanfic on my account, and then half moved on from wattpad so that I could actually become a writer.

I tried multiple things- Smash Words, getting in touch with publishers- but none of it really stuck.. I didn't understand formatting to say the least.

But I'd been working on a manuscript of my poetry for a couple of years, of poetry that showed my journey with mental health and out of curiosity I gave KDP a try and I actually found it rather easy to publish on- that been said my first book has many formatting flaws that I need to go back and fix when I get the chance. But making a book by myself fully,  the book cover,  the insides, the blurb- NO EXTERNAL PEOPLE WHATSOEVER,  and then seeing it come to life- being available for purchase- HOLDING MY OWN PRINTED WORK PHYSICALLY- It honestly felt magical.

But after that, I started focusing on advertisement. And I had to weigh up what I should and shouldn't write. Had to make some harsh decisions about what I wanted my first fictional story paperback to be about,  and although I love the novel I'm currently writing- It made me miss the love of wattpad.

I returned to my old wattpad account,  but most of my followers were undertale fans that had aged away from reading cringe fanfictions so they left.. And some were the few that actually liked my original works but had gotten annoyed I'd stopped publishing via wattpad and had also left.


So Enter- Now:
Why did I decide to make a mostly danganronpa content wattpad account?

Well, I actually sort of got into the danganronpa fandom when it became a big thing on tiktok a couple of years ago. (I'm a cosplayer as well) so I watched the first anime and it was good,  yeah,  but it didn't really stick.

Then I saw that the danganronpa games were coming to the nintendo switch and I had already decided to buy them when they came out...
But I ended up in hospital again and really needed something to do...

So I bought Danganronpa THH on my ipad and started playing and oh my god,  I fell in love! I finally got the hype!! Then I watched the despair arc of the anime and I'm currently about half way through the future arc. And I just couldn't stop thinking about fanfiction and OC ideas! Even in my dreams! But if I posted a danganronpa fanfic to my main account and one of my professional author friends found it- What would I do? So I made this account!!

And I've actually had a little read of some dangan fanfics and I have to say,  though the fanfiction quality on wattpad hasn't really changed... There are some really talented writers in the danganronpa fandom!!


So yeah! That's it! That's me. I really wanna cosplay a dangan character but I can't decide who yet! Maybe Chiaki I don't know :P

Anyway,  that's Michi out for now! Currently got dye on my hair :P

Anyway,  that's Michi out for now! Currently got dye on my hair :P

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