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I'm venting here because I really can't anywhere else- If I post this on something anyone in real life has me on, I'll get in trouble and if I talk to staff I risk getting put back on a section.

So first, I have some good news- I'm not longer detained at hospital, I'm informal which means I can go out whenever I like as long as I come back. 

But today, I saw a girl on leave who I knew two years ago on this ward, and she's really nice and I don't have a problem with her at all- that's not what this is about. Everything was fine the first time I saw her and I actually thought she had a problem with me (I'm paranoid to hell haha) but it turns  out she doesn't. Anyway, I saw her a second time on leave and we were talking and it  was great to catch up and everything but then she told me that two years ago I dated this person on the ward and I kissed them and sat on their lap and stuff which I never did (I personally wouldn't even date anyone whilst we're both on a ward together) and I don't actually even know this person at all so they must have been on the ward at a completely separate time to me.

So where's the issue why am I venting about it? Well because even though I told this girl I had no idea who this person was they still thought I did and even called another girl who was on the ward with us and she also said I did. The thing is maybe if I knew the person I could have just been like, "Oh them, no we never dated." But I didn't know the person so instead it sounded like, "WHAT?! WHO'S THAT? I NEVER DATED THEM! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO THEY ARE!" But that's exactly the truth, I don't know who they are... And now I feel like there are rumours about me around the hospital since at least two people thought I dated them... And also that just because I wore cat ears I thought I was a cat, I don't think I'm a cat- nor did I ever, and just because I wore cat ears as an accessory didn't mean that I thought I was a cat.

All in all, I hate the idea of rumours being spread about me- I just want to say, I don't have an issue with anyone it's obviously some confusion that has become more of a rumour. I just feel quite down about it honestly. I just feel like no one ever takes me seriously. Like there's someone who used to be a patient here who's now a journalist and everyone praises her and takes her so seriously and I'm like, " I'm actually a professional author and I published a book." And it almost feels like I just exist for shits and giggles.

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