Almost got attacked, lets talk about that!

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There is nothing I would love more than to write and upload fanfiction for you guys right now but I have had a shittttttttttyyy week so let's talk bout it and give you entertainment in that way!

The week starts off normal, come Wednesday morning- and oh crap, a ward lockdown. I was woken up first by a support worker and then two nurses because I never get out of bed. They said they needed to search my room and that the ward was going into lockdown (not COVID lockdown,, where you all sit in a room until they've found something they're looking for basically.) I was convinced they were looking for wacky baccy bc some other patients did that but I knew they'd take my e cigs off me if they found out so as soon as I woke up, I realised and pretended to be tired a bit more. Put my blanket over my face and dragged my e cigs and juice out from my pillow case and propped them in my bra before pretending to still be sluggish and leaving my room.

Got downstairs, everyone was sat there waiting for pat downs. So I was quick,  went and sat beside a sofa and quickly snuck my e cigs under. (Take notes anyone who might be getting admitted, phahaha.)

Had my pat down, obvs had nothing, and had to sit in the back room with the others who'd been patted down. Then the massive panic, they were saying they would search lounges after the pat down, but luckily for me a nurse came and got me and said she knew I had an s cig bc they'd caught it on cctv, I said I didn't and that it was another patients but didn't say who's. This was slightly true, I had bought another patient an e cig. I then said we threw it away bc it was disposable, but sadly the other patient didn't hide it properly. It was found but mine weren't haha, they decided to not search the lounges after one was found bc as far as they knew there was only one.

Sort of threw someone under the bush, but I tried not to.

Later that day, I was sat about to eat at lunch time, and this girl lets call nee Hope (not her real name ofc) comes in and is like, "I'm not eating, I'm going on a diet to become skinny."
Bare in mind, I've had issues with very restricted eating in the pat and eating disorders. So I said to her, "Maybe don't say that in communal areas." There was another patient too and neither of us know what she's been through.  Then Hope started getting funny with me saying stuff like, "I'll say whatever I want to say."
I was like, "not in communal areas because you don't know other peoples risks." But never once did I raise my voice.

Anywho next day, psychologist and ward manager wanted to talk to us about the e cigs and they said if it happened again they'd start taking leave I was joking around saying, "lol I'll sue you."
And Hope just started having beef with me calling me a weirdo saying I was a,ways complaining. She actually did come an apologise to me later but I said, "Thanks but please don't say things like that in communal areas again." And she just kinda started arguing with me so I went back in my room because I couldn't be arsed. These little throw away comments happened all Friday until I went home for what was meant to be until Sunday (today.)

I came back Saturday. Long story short, me and my mum do not get along and can not be with each other for long but I was fine and I was the one who asked to come back to ward.

Fuming when I got back. My e cigs had been taken. Snuck one back in. Went rollerskating with a patient. Had a major episode with my seizures. Got taken to another hospital in an ambulance and that hospital wants me to have another week-long heart tracing. Got brought back to my hospital. Ordered food and Hope started having a go at another patient for asking for staff to get my food. She was proper going at her saying things like, "JUST WAIT." And I wasn't going to sit and let my friend get picked on so I said, "Why do you have to comment on everything?" In a calm voice. Hope charged towards me calling me a little mouthy bitch and stuff I was walking away but like- if someone comes and starts calling you a mouthy bitch- what are you going to do? Because I just awkwardly smiled. And she started saying, "why are you laughing at me?" I was like, "I'm laughing at the situation because it's awkward." She C H A R G E D At me, tried to hit me, staff came and stopped it I ran to my room and she ran after me and I was trying to lock my door whilst she was pushing on it, ended up managing to lock it and she stayed outside my room for ten min yelling at me and kicking my door whilst I sat in a corner and hyperventilated. Staff ended up locking my part of the corridor with some other patients off and now we have staff outside the door. But oh my god. Bare in mind, I never touched this girl, I literally just commented in a rather calm voice on a few things.

Anyway, hope you've been entertained by the blockbuster movie that is my life. That's the story of why I haven't uploaded.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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The life of a Secret "Ultimate Fan-Girl"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ