Revealing my identity?

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    I've been considering revealing my full name to you guys and my author identity. You can already see my 'face-reveal' on the chiaki cosplay chapter and my danganronpa instagram, but I was thinking about telling you all my author identity. 

The thing is, I'm not a big Author at all. Not by any stretch, I'm working towards it and I've earnt some decent money through the publication of my poetry book- but I'm not known. If I told you my name you wouldn't all go, "OH MY GOD IT'S (insert famous author here)." Which might confuse you as to why I decided to keep my fanfiction account a secret. Well, the reason is actually nothing to do with you guys, and more to do with the fact that if you want to be seen as a quote-on-quote 'real author', you don't advertise fanfiction... (50 shades of grey was a fanfiction for twilight- believe it or not, that's why we don't do it anymore.)

But anyway, my point is, telling you all about my real author page, my book and books in the works, etc might do more good than harm. For example, I'm currently writing a novel that I think a lot of you would be very interested in, even though it isn't fanfiction.

The question is- why do I write fanfiction then? The answer is simple: I'm autistic and danganronpa is one of my special interests at the moment. Same with when I wrote Undertale fanfiction. My fanfiction, though, holds no quality next to my original works and it's all just for fun- whereas my novels are a mix of 'for fun' and 'for work' and 'for awareness.' Leaving wattpad behind to go onto my actual writing career was something I just couldn't do, though. And that's why I came back to write fun stuff- for a break, to remember the fun in writing. To write without editing (oh my is that fun!)

To write without having to re-read every paragraph three times over just so that you can avoid the lengthy copy-editing work that most authors go through. Reading a story you know EVERYTHING about just isn't fun, that's why it's fun to write on wattpad, because you can experiment and just let stories fall as they happen. 

So, yeah- I think that might be something I do, tell you all who I actually am. Soon- but not yet. 

No, in fact let's start small, my name is Mika, (Hence why I use the name Michi on here) and I've published a paperback poetry collection about my journey with childhood mental health issues. 

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