v. 74 is a shit number

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·.¸¸.·♪♫ mr perfectly fine ♫♪·.¸¸.·

REECE SAT AT THE PIANO AS Carlos taught the choreography for the curtain call. She glanced over at Josie who sat on one of the many boxes filled with the props, scrolling on her Instagram feed.  She then glanced over to her sister, as she talked to Ashlyn about god knows what.

"I'm kinda lost," Ricky admitted as he walked with Nini and Carlos. "If the play's over, why would we still de dancing?"

"It's a curtain call." Carlos explained, "You two," he motioned between Nini and Ricky, "are the last to come out. We want to bring the audience to their feet."

"Teach them the dance," Ricky said sarcastically.

"Carlos," Nini said clearly annoyed with her ex-boyfriend's antics, "can we just wait for Ms. Jenn to get here?"

"Ms. Jenn is busy tracking down a prop. She's asked me to create a crescendo, people. So, let's stop swirling and start twirling." he said with a tight smile.

"But why are we practicing the bows when we haven't even practiced the play," Ricky asked once again.

Carlos sighed, "Because you start with the hardest dance that takes the longest to learn. It's on The Big of Broadway page-"

"374," Gina said with him. Carlos smiled proudly as they high five each other.

Clearly still confused with the logic Reece cut in. "It's easy, Ricky, when taking a test you start with the hardest questions then at the end you do the easier ones because you know even with only 5 minutes on the clock you'll get them done." Ricky nodded.

"Okay, people, let's take it from three counts of eight right before Troy and Gabriella's entrance for the bows," Carlos instructed as the dancers (plus Ricky and Nini) got to their positions. "Five, six, seven, eight."

Reece started playing. The dance went well until it reached Ricky and Nini's part. Nini did well(ish) but Ricky struggled a lot, which was to be expected but Nini seemed pissed. "I'm sorry," he apologized.

Reece immediately stopped playing.

Nini pointed to Ricky and spoke to Carlos. "What is he doing?"

"Why are you talking to him? I'm right here."

"'Cause, you're not here. At least not for the right reasons."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what I said Ricky, you hate musicals. You're only doing this so we'd be in each other's grills."

Reece began to pack up her bag, just in case. "Back to the dance, please," Carlos said attempted to keep the peace. It didn't work.

"Now you're rubbing some weird cologne on your neck." Nini began to walk away from Ricky.

(editing) 𝗠𝗥. 𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗙𝗘𝗖𝗧𝗟𝗬 𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗘, 𝘦𝘫 𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭 ¹Where stories live. Discover now