Maybe the bad guy?

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∴Izzy Stradlin∴
⋮Based of the Saw series⋮
∶TW: Blood and Knives∶

[Izzys POV]

I sat and watched the person in front of me struggle. "You know the harder you pull on the rope the righter they're gonna get stupid." I smirked and they kept yanking on them. I circled them letting my hand rest of their shoulder as I stood in front of them. "You know you where the easiest one to catch so keeping my focus on you seems fun right now." I smiled and lifted up their blindfold.

I walked over to a table and lifted up a photo. "Now we can do this the easy way.." I picked up a knife. "OR the hard way." I walked up to them and held the knife to their chest. I held the picture in front of their face. "Now you know this women, correct?" They shook their head. I pushed the knife against their chest just enough to not pierce skin. "Now you wanna answer this the right way?"

They gasped and tried moving their chest away from the knife. "Fine yes I do. I remember her face but I don't know where from." I drug the knife slowly down their chest, leaving a few holes in there shirt. "I promise I don't remember where!" I pushed the knife a bit, seeing tiny drops of blood forming around the wound. "FINE I DO KNOW THEM PLEASE JUST STOP."

[Your POV]

The man smirked and held the photo back up. "Now tell me about her. Why you know her." He held the knife to my throat. "I don't remember a lot I was drunk when we met." He pulled the knife away quickly, the blade sliding across my collarbone. "Please believe me I was drunk." He held up what looks like a police report. "How fo you not remember this?!"

I looked at the paper. "Oh my god..that night." "Oh so you do remember? Liar!" I looked down in defeat. "It was my twenty first birthday and me and my friends went out. Well I insisted on driving and well..I forgot to look both ways." He threw the papers down on the floor. "You're a fucking murderer, and of course they let you off on bail. YOU'RE A FUCKING KILLER." He picked up the knife and threw it just far enough to miss my head.

He paced back and fourth in front of me. "My best friend, dead, because you had to be a reckless asshole." He squatted down, his hands grabbing the back of his head. He stood up and from the dim lighting I could see that he had started to cry. He waled around and picked up a different knife.  He stood in front of me and held the knife to my shoulder slowly pushing it in. "STOP PLEASE I TOLD YOU EVERYTHING IM SORRY!"

[Izzys POV]

I watched the knife dig into their skin, blood slowly starting to drip from the cut. I pulled the knife back.  "You're lucky I'm not a fucking murderer like certain people." I reached round and used the knife to cut the ropes. I threw my knife behind me.

[Your POV]

I watched him walk away then come back five minutes later. Maybe I should've ran but I don't know where I am. He had bandages and a wash cloth. He pulled me to stand up and grabbed the bottom of my shirt. I froze and he looked at me. "You're fine I just need it out of the way." I let him pull it off. He ran the washcloth over the wounds. He took out a few band-aids and placed them over the cuts.

I reached up and used my wrist to wipe a tear off his face. "Look I am really sorry. Being an idiot that night cause people so much pain." He pulled me in and hugged me. I laid my head against his chest.  "I promise i'll be carful." He nodded." I tried to pull away from the hug but he shook his head. "Stay here just a little bit longer." "I'll stay here as long as you need me."

{696 words}

I don't know what this is. I had a whole idea then lost it but it turned out okay-ish in the end.

Chapter Question

Whats some of y'alls favorite horror movies. Personally I love and Texas chainsaw/leather face movie and if course the Saw series. The newest one 'Spiral' is really good. once again if you're okay with tons of gore id recommend it.

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