Valentines surprise

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You x Slash x Duff

*Your POV*
Dates started as me and Duff. Me and Duff turned into me, Duff, and Slash. Did I wanna complain? Yeah a little. Where they both hot? Yes. So in a way I didn't mind Duff always being around. But I was surprised like anyone else would be when Slash approached me asking how i'd feel if Duff joined the relationship. Of course I said yes. I didn't mind it much and it would make Slash happy. At first I was worried that they'd always be together and leave me out but surprisingly they both give me their undivided attention. Like if we're snuggling they both insist I sit between them, or when they're cooking they give me my own seat to watch them.

Which is why it was kinda concerning when they both disappeared for a few days. Yeah they told me they where leaving but I didn't know they'd be gone for two days already. They're behavior before they left was a little weird too. Maybe I should've ask why they left with two backpacks. Even if they where going to the gym they usually only brung one backpack they share. But it wasn't even their gym bag they brung with. I couldn't be that mad at them though. One, they're adults and I don't wanna parent them. Two, they're Duff and Slash and that's self explanatory. Three, its not like they've been ignoring me. When I text they text back and when I call they answer. They just won't tell me where they went and it was fair I was worried.


I sat on the couch watching tv when the door creeped open. It startled me so I grabbed the nearest heavy item next to me. Which was a metal water bottle. I turned around in my spot and saw Duff and Slash kicking iff they're shoes. "Put the water bottle down. Just us." Slash chuckled and ruffled my hair. "WHERE HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN FOR THREE DAYS AND WHY ARE YOU HOME AT ONE AM." I jumped up and hugged Slash. Duff came over and joined the hug. They both kissed me and sat down on the couch. "Come sit." Duff patted between them. "Not until you tell me where you've been." "We will tomorrow. Now sit, we missed you." I rolled my eyes and sat down between them.


I woke up in bed, wrapped in blankets and surrounded by a few bags. I looked over at my tv, February 14th. Oh yeah valentines day. There was a note taped to one of the bags.

"Don't worry to much. We'll be back in a few hours. Duff made you breakfast, its in the microwave so it stayed warm. Don't worry about doing anything today. I cleaned the house and Duff did the laundry. Sit back and relax all day. We'll be back around late noon. Love you .
-Love Slash and Duff"

I set the note down and went into the kitchen to eat the breakfast. Mm, french toast. I finished eating and went back to the room to look through the bags. They're was five bags and all of them where fairly sized. I opened the first one. A little bear holding a pink flower and a pack of chocolate. The next one had a a heart shaped blanket, more chocolate, and pink PJ pants. The third one had a card, a book, a few movies, and a set of a necklace and earrings. I dug under the paper in the bag and found a little box. 'Slash said you'd like this. I don't know much about piercings.' I opened the box to find a little septum ring with a heart on it. I smiled and looked closer at the jewelry. I held the necklace in my hand. It had all three of out name engraved on it. I put it on and smiled. I fucking loved these boys.

I grabbed the fourth bag and read the note.
'This was Slash's idea so don't blame me. But have fun fun with it. -Duff.'
That note made me suspicious what was in the bag. I opened the bag and pulled out a black box with some company on it I didn't recognize. I pulled the ribbon off the box and pulled the top off. A fucking bright pink vibrator. My face went red and quickly closed the box. Yup, that's a Slash gift alright.

I got to the last bag. It had a note taped to the front of it.
'Sorry for not letting you have that puppy. We kinda don't want a dog eating out cat. We noticed you where really sad so we wanted to kinda cheer you up.'

I opened the bag to a pretty big dog stuffed animal. I smiled, a corgi. The dog I wanted. I dug more in the bag. A dog collar, dog bowls, and dog toys. This was definitely Duff idea. It was a cute little idea though, and I could give the cat the bowls and toys. I looked at the clock, twelve thirty. They should be home soon, hopefully. I hopped out of bed to get dressed and do my hair. A pair of black jeans and a pink tee shirt. Appropriate valentines day outfit. I wanted to do something for them. They did so much for me. Then it hit me. They both like sweets, and according to them I'm a good baker. I'll make them cupcakes.

So thats what I spent and hour doing. Mixing up homemade batter, baking them, making frosting, and frosting them. Cute little valentines day cupcakes. They had pink and white liners, pink frosting, and heart sprinkles. I was just about done when Duff walked in. "Hey baby!" He kissed me and pressed me against the counter. "Duff i'm sorta in the middle of something." He shrugged and pressed his lips back against mine. He reached his hands down and grabbed my ass. "Happy Valentine's Day. Sorry we where gone all day, it took a little longer then it planned." "What took a little longer?" Duff shrugged and grabbed my necklace. "I see you like your necklace. We had to get it re-done because they spelled Slash as Slass. I blamed it on his shit hand writing but he don't believe me.

Not too long I had Slash pressed up against me. "Hey Sugar." He kissed me and wrapped his hand around my waist. "What have you been up to all day?" "Making cupcakes." "Nothing with you new little pink gift." I blushed and pushed Slash away. I walked to the other side of the couch and picked up two bags. I handed one to Slash and one to Duff. "We told you not to get us anything." Duff looked at me. I shrugged. "Well I would feel bad." They both opened the bags. Candy, stuffed animals, alcohol, mugs and flowers. "I know its kinda girly but-." They both hugged me and kissed me. "No no, it's perfect." Slash said and Duff agreed. "I think there's one more gift in the music room." "No way, you've already got me so much." Duff shrugged. "Go look."

I walked to the music room/office. I opened the door and almost started crying. "NO YOU DIDNT." I ran over and picked up the puppy. "You showed us the puppy on instagram then talked about it for days. You where upset when you realized it was two states over and sold. Well one, we where the one who bought it, and two, that's where we went for three days. We brung it to the vet and groomers today. We left it with Steven last night." I hugged them both as best as I could. "You guys didn't have too." "We saw how happy it made you and decided well valentines day is coming up. It was the perfect gift. "This explains the corgi stuffed animal with dog stuff." Slash nodded. "Mhm, just don't let her eat the cat." Duff chuckled and kissed me. "We'll be out in the living room." Slash kissed me too then they both walked out.

~1363 words

Omg I fucking loved writing this chapter so much.

Chapter question
What's your favorite kinda dog? I fucking love huskies. Especially they're different patterns and colors. Like all white, red, grey. Not to mention some of them having pretty blue eyes. I also like wiener dogs, I think they're funky with their long bodies and stubby legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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