A baby?

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I walked into the house holding on to the object I shoved into my jacket. "STEVEN!" I kicked off my shoes but kept my jacket on. "STEVVIIEEE!" Where the fuck is he. I carefully walked up the stairs still gripping my jacket. I opened the door to the studio and he had on headphones and playing his drums. He looked up at me and took the headphones off. "Hey babe. What's up?" He looked at me confused.

He stood up and walked over to me. He unzipped my jacket but I held it shut. "What are you hiding?" "Before I show it, you gotta promise we can keep it." "Ugghh fiinnee." I pulled a small kitten from my jacket but held it close to me so it didn't get cold. "Where the hell did you find a cat?!" "Well I was at the bar with Slash and I followed him outside when he went to go smoke. I heard a tiny meowing and basically dug through the trash to find him."

Steven looked like he was trying to process what I said. "So you brung home a dumpster cat?" "Well he doesn't even look old enough to be away from his mother. We need to help him." Steven sighed and smiled. "Well I guess we're parents now."


I woke up and panicked when I realized the cat wasn't where I left him. "STEVEN WHERES THE CAT!" He walked out from the bathroom with a toothbrush and holding the tiny fur ball. "He keeps meowing at me, I think he's hungry." "Well we'll have to go get some kitten milk from the pet store." Steven held up the cat to baby talk to it. "How does that sound spit? "You named him spit?" Steven proudly nodded. "Alright, wrap spit in a blanket and lets get to the pet store."

We made it to the pet store and Steven took the cat from me. "I'll hold spit, you take the basket." I nodded and he handed me a basket. As I walked around Steven followed. When I was looking for milk and bottles I turned around to find Steven gone. "Babe?" I turned the corner and found him trying collars on Spit. "Look, he looks like such a gentleman." Steven had found a collar with little skulls and spiders on it.

We made it to the cat aisle. We got a small cat bed, some toys, blankets, treats for when he's old enough, and kitten food for when he's off the bottle. We checked out and the cashier told us some tips on feeding the kitten. She said he looks like he can be of the bottle in about two weeks, then to give him kitten food and just put a bit of water on it so it wasn't to hard.

After we got home I handed Steven the bottle with kitten milk. I sat next to him as he fed the cat. "Is this how its like to be parents?" I nodded and he kissed me. "If we ever break up I get custody." Steven chuckled. "Hey I found him!" "Well then now we're never breaking up." "Sounds like a plan."

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I'm sorry this ones short. I was finally diagnosed with anxiety so thats fun. Also i've been struggling with mental health due to family and friend  issues but i'm getting it under control :)  Feel free to give me ideas and i'll be happy to write them!

Chapter question
Is there any interesting stories behind your pets or pets you've had? My cat I love very much came from a feral cat that had kittens in our garage :) He likes to sleep on my chest when i'm having panic attacks and wake me up at 6 in the morning to feed him.

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