Chapter Three

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"Well the first thing you need to know is that not all the stories are true. Yes, my dad and granddad and their friends did create quite a reputation for us but most of it was to scare people off."

"So they didn't steal young maidens and eat them up in dragon form?" she laughs.

"No not that I know of. The dragon thing is real, but the boys rarely change now a days although it is quite a sight. Unfortunately the temper part is true and when they do lose it can get quite ugly."

"I see, well tell me about them then." I said coaxing her on.

"My Brother is the oldest although not the leader. There are none. Long ago it was decided that they will all work as one and that decisions should be made unanimously together. Michael has his temper like the rest but for the most part he isn't bad. Looked out for me after our mother died a couple of years ago. He met Layla about three years ago. She is human but he told her all about us and she stuck around. Two people more in love I haven't seen. Xander is a bit of a shit stirrer and can sometimes get himself into a bit of trouble then my brother and the others have to go bail himself out.

The people around here don't know what we are. They all just think we are rich assholes who keep to ourselves which is the way we like it but once in a while Xander would get into trouble in town and the boys would have to step in before in turns into a bloodbath."

"And the groupies. Do they know what you are?"

"No most of them are humans that think we are some kinds of mafia, which I guess isn't that far from the truth, but they don't know about the Hidden side of things. Once in a blue moon one of the boys would bring an occasional witch or fey around but it doesn't happen often." So those girls last night really had no idea in how much danger they really were.

"What about the others?" I asked. I wanted to know about Zane but didn't want to outright ask so I'd rather let her get to him on her own.

"Well Cole is nothing to worry about. He's really just a big sweety although if u have any cookies best you hide them. He can sniff them out like a bloodhound." She giggled and I laughed along with her.

Clearly Cole would be a good ally to have if we are around id have to befriend him as best I can.

"Max..." she said. Clearly thinking what to say about him and I catch the glimmer in her eye as she says his name. so that is the secret she is hiding, she is in love with Max.

"Max is very nice. He has a temper like the rest butt controls it more than them. He's a great shot. Taught me how to hold my first gun." Clearly, she didn't know what else to say without giving to much away.

"Zane is the one to look out for though." At the sound of his name my heart leapt. Here it comes.

"Why do you say that?" begging her to go on.

"His temper is the worst and when he loses its people almost always gets hurt. He's quiet and keeps to himself most of the time but he's just scary sometimes. He ones ripped a guy's head clean off for looking at him wrong. Well that's what Max told me anyway. Just stay clear of him though and you should be fine."

I swallow the lump in my trough. Wanting desperately to change the subject before I have myself a panic attack I turn to her,

"So do you think I'll be able to move about this place? Is there anything to do around here?" I ask her.

"Oh yes there is loads to do. We have a gym, pool, gaming room, cinema and there is even a shooting range out back. There is also a library although no one ever uses it. What do you like to do?" Laughing at her remark of the library I say

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