Chapter Nine

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Emily's POV

We set off early the next morning in one of Zane's SUVs. Everything we needed in two back packs in the back.

"How will we know where to go once we are there. I'm sure that area isn't very well mapped out." I said to Zane. Who took out a handheld GPS device?

"Cole mapped her exact location onto this GPS. The blue dot is her and the red one is us." I took the GPS from his hand and looked carefully at it.

"Technology and magic working together. It makes it almost seem impossible a feat. Why did your mother think you would be able to solve all of this on your own?"

"She didn't. Back when she created the spell. After Maggi showed signs of her power and she knew the Maroy would come for her, she had a lot of close with friend who were loyal to our family. After the wars most of them were either killed off or in hiding. I'm sure she had thought one of her friends would be able to help me and as far as the technology is concerned, I'm just there are other means of mapping it. It's just the fasted."

We drove for a long while and then he pulled the car over and then into the brush. Hiding the car and this is where we got out. Put our back packs on and started walking. About half an hour in I was getting bored and decided to spark another conversation.

"Zane, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"How personal?" he asked without stopping or looking back at me.

"It is about Ashley."

"Not very then, okay go ahead."

"Anna said you had been seeing her for over a year. I was just wondering why you asked her to leave?"

"If by seeing you mean shagging then yes. But there was never any real relationship between us. She wanted the money and power I had to offer, which all fay women want, and she was a healthy distraction." He said honestly.

"I think she wanted more than just a sexual relationship."
"She did but I was not going to give it to her. She did not want me, she wanted what she could get out of being with me and I needed to keep my head on what is important and that is finding Maggi."

"And when we do find Maggi? Lets say we find her tomorrow, what would you do then?" I asked.

"I never thought about after, just finding her and not letting anything get in my way. But I suppose at some point I would settle down. If that is what you were asking. But I can tell you it wont be with any fay girl." It was a relief to hear. I didn't want Zane to end up with a girl that was interested in anything but him.

We walked for hours. Up hills and around trees big enough to build a small home in. Only stopping now and then for a drink of water and to catch our breath. I could feel the sweat dripping down my back and soaking trough my clothes. For Zane it was no different. He took the lead but at a reasonable pace. I knew he could move a lot faster and would probably get there in half the time but was taking it slow for me. Every time he would get to far ahead, he would simply stop and patiently wait for me to catch up without saying a word.

Eventually we found a spring between some rocks. And decided to camp there for the night. He smelled the water to see if it was clean and I tested it with some of the spells I brought with. Dropping a prepared leaf into the water.

"If it turns black there is dark magic in the water. If it turns white it is only elemental magic like that of Virgin water and if nothing happens it is just a normal spring." I said as we both stared at the leaf gently floating on the water's surface. Nothing happened so we decided it would be as good a place as any to take a cool of bath and was off the day's walk.

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