Chapter 2

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"I said we needed a jet."

Natasha and Yelena walked side by side towards the small, rickety plane sitting out in the open field.

"I don't give a shit about what you need."

Standing next to the "jet" was a brown skinned, short haired female, around Yelena's age, 27, maybe a little younger. Yelena guessed she was around 25. She wore a black hoodie on top of an Avatar t-shirt, along with a pair of black basketball shorts. With pockets, Yelena thought, excitedly. 

"I thought you were supposed to be the best. Like a pro," Yelena stated, looking at the old helicopter. Definitely not a jet. 

"Well you got wrong intel. Found this lying around in an aircraft graveyard, and decided that this'll do." 

"And who are you to decide that for us?" Yelena retorted.

"Vijaya Sai Teja Acharya. I would say my friends call me Jaya, but I don't have any friends." 

"What am I then, dead weight?" Natasha said, still taking in the ship's view. It certainly wasn't great, but Jaya was right about one thing: it'll do.

Jaya stroked her chin thoughtfully. "You're a...traitor?"

"Are you seriously mad at me about the Sokovia accords? I thought we both agreed that the entire thing was utter bullshit."

"Oh I never cared for the accords," Jaya explained. "I kinda just stayed on Tony's side because he was like a brother to me. If you ask me, the entire situation was basically an Avenger's reality TV show. Season 2, episode 8: The divorce."

"Ha!" Yelena exclaimed from the side. "She's funny. I see why you keep her."

Jaya glared at her. "I've got my reason to stick around. What's yours?"

"Wait, wait, wait," Natasha interrupted. "If never cared about the accords, why'd you call me a traitor?"

"You ripped my she ra t-shirt."

"We were on a mission! You were bleeding out for god's sake!" exclaimed the redhead.

"Was it your stab wound? I think the fuck not!" Jaya seemed genuinely angry, which Natasha found hilarious.

"If you loved the shirt  so much, you should've worn a different t-shirt," Nat said dismissively. She turned to her sister, who pulled out a snack from Natasha's bag. "Oh, I stashed that like 5 years ago," she informed.

Yelena popped some in her mouth.

"How is it?"

"Dry. It's really dry." Yelena continued chewing.

"Great!" Jaya exclaimed. "I'm travelling the world in some beaten down helicopter to accomplish some mission with an idiot and someone who has no sense of humor."

"Hey! I have a great sense of humor." Yelena complained. 

"Yelena, you're only reinforcing her point," her sister pointed out. "And hold on a second. You're not coming with us."

"I'm bored."

Natasha facepalmed. "Did you get fired again?"

"Bingo! Now, you can either let me come on whatever mission you guys are going on so I can rob a bank on the way, or I can take away the little transportation that you have," Jaya grinned, her arms spread out. 

"Personally, I don't mind bringing along the clown. She was right, you don't have a sense of humor," the blonde stated.

"Okay, first of all, that was uncalled for. And second of all, we can't bring her on the mission! She could die!" the redhead argued.

"I'll send her mother my condolences."

Jaya stood in between them, watching them argue back and forth. "Wow, it's almost as if I'm not even here."

"Shut up, I'm defending you," Yelena shot back. "Anyways, isn't she an avenger or something?"

"She barely has any powers! And she doesn't even know the basics of any type of combat!"

Jaya sighed. There it was. The mention of her powers. According to Stark, it was there. It existed. But other than the occasional high pitched noise that rendered people deaf in a life or death situation, she knew nothing. 

"Well it's not like the clown gave us much of a choice did she?" Yelena's voice snapped Jaya back to the present.

"Stop calling me a clown," Jaya rolled her eyes.

"Ungrateful much? I just sacrificed my time and effort so you didn't have to stay bored. Or, in more accurate terms, unemployed." Yelena smirked.

Jaya scowled. "Fine. Thank you. Now stop calling me a clown." 

"Alright, fine. You win."



"That's so much worse!" Jaya complained.

"What is the expression? Right, as the white folks say, "beggars can't be choosers,"" the blonde's face sported a cheeky grin.


Natasha walked past the two ladies and towards the jet, her head in her hands. "This is a terrible idea. The more the merrier my ass."

"That's the spirit," Jaya deadpanned.

 Yelena let out a chuckle. "C'mon, sweetheart, we don't wanna be late now do we?"

Jaya whipped her head back to Yelena. "Don't call me that."

"Okay, okay, jeez. Sorry."



"Why you little-"

"Hey how'd you get fired anyways?"

"Some lady started singing her order at the drive through. Let's just say, I have anger issues."


AAAAND THAT'S THE END OF CHAPTER TWO! Sorry for the short chapter guys, I'll start updating more soon. What'd you think of my new chapter folks? And how'd you like Jaya? 

I don't know why I'm doing this. I've got one reader and it's me.

                                                                       *cries in Captain American*

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