Chapter 9

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Crawling through the vents was no walk in the park, and Jaya's close proximity with Yelena wasn't exactly helping either. Jaya had no clue what to do with her newfound feelings. She didn't even know what to call these feelings. An attraction? A crush? Jaya hated feelings and emotions in general. Suddenly, Yelena stopped in her tracks, causing Jaya to walk right into her behind.

Oh god, Jaya thought, face heating up. This is awkward.

Without a word, Yelena got to work on a vent window, and within a few minutes, she pushed the window aside. "We have to jump."


Yelena jumped down, landing in her redheaded sister's signature pose, while Jaya followed not even a few moments later, landing graciously on her back. This, however, didn't bother Jaya. She'd given up all hope on her back a long time ago. She turned to Yelena quick enough to see her state.

"Nice pose, Belova."

"I'd shut your mouth if I were you, sweetheart," Yelena retorted. "At least I don't look like a turtle on it's back."

Jaya chuckled at this as she struggled to pull herself up off the floor. "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"

The blonde looked at her, dumbfounded.

"You know? Like, the meme? With the old lady. The commercial! The life support ad on tv! The old lady's lying on the ground and she can't get up, so she says, 'Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!'" Jaya tried so hard to explain a commercial on tv before she realized something. "Have you seen tv before?"

Yelena shook her head no, almost embarrassed with herself. "We didn't watch much in the red room, except for censored news."

Jaya let that sink in for a moment. "Well then," she started out slowly. "How about, when all this is over, I introduce you to some quality tv? We can have multiple movie nights."

"Including the ads?" the blonde girl asked.

"Including the ads," Jaya confirmed. 

Yelena smiled at her. "I think I'd like that."

Suddenly, Jaya put her hand on Yelena's shoulder, holding her back. "Guard, down the hall, first left."

Yelena looked at the shorter girl, slightly confused, as her voice dropped down to a whisper. "How do you know?"

Jaya simply shrugged. "I heard him."

Yelena shook her head at this and beckoned for Jaya to follow, nearing the corner with her back pressed against the wall. She signaled for Jaya to wait as she suddenly took off towards the guard, swinging her body around him and taking him out in a split second. However, the guard still had a significant amount of distance from the hand scanner panel, and Jaya could tell that Yelena was struggling to drag the guard closer to the door.

"Need some help, Belova?"

Yelena looked up at Jaya, dropping the guard's arm to the floor. "Be my guest."

Jaya simply walked up to the guard, scooping him up in her arms and pressing his hand against the panel before dropping him down, unable to conceal the smirk rising on her face as the blonde rolled her eyes. In truth, picking up the guard took a lot of effort out of Jaya, but for some reason, she found herself quite desperate to impress Yelena.

The two girls started walking down winding corridors, trying to find the rest of the widows and the vials, when suddenly the lights started flashing red. Yelena cursed. 

"What's wrong?" Jaya asked.

"Melina. Dreykov's entire army is probably heading towards her as we speak. I want to help, but I've gotta get the vials," Yelena explained.

Sweetheart - Yelena BelovaWhere stories live. Discover now