Chapter 12

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It's been 5 hours since Yelena and Jaya released the widows. Yelena was surprised at how long she had to drive to find medical supplies; Jaya nearly bled to death. She couldn't help but sneak glances at Jaya's direction, how adorable she looked while sleeping. The usually tough looking girl curled up into a ball in her seat, her hair splayed perfectly over her face. A mouth breather, Yelena thought as she looked down at Jaya's parted lips. Those same lips she kissed just a week ago...

Suddenly, a loud honk shook Yelena out of her thoughts as she saw that she headed straight towards a truck. Yelena was able to gather her senses, realizing that she distractedly strayed over to the other lane. She narrowly swerved back to her own side, ignoring the truck driver yelling at her in a foreign language.

"He asked you if you were blind. And called you a bitch."

Yelena swiveled her head to face a sleepy yet shaken looking Jaya. She had a smirk played out on her lips. Her lips...

Focus, Yelena told herself. "You okay?" she asked Jaya.

She nodded her head. "You?"

The blonde hummed a yes in response. "We should be reaching a hotel in 30 minutes, we can get some rest there."

Jaya once again nodded her head and went back to sleep.

Yelena didn't know what was happening between them, but she was determined to resolve it tonight.


"She says there are only one-bed bedrooms left. Starting at 6000 rupees."

Yelena and Jaya were standing in front of a hotel desk, Jaya translating for Yelena due to the fact that she didn't understand the language. And there were only one-bed bedrooms left.

Jaya didn't know whether to laugh or cry at how closely this situation resembled most of the one-bed fanfictions she's read on Wattpad. "We could buy 2 separate bedrooms if you want," she suggested.

Yelena immediately shook her head no; she wasn't exactly keen on the idea of splitting up. "We should stick together. Besides, we don't have enough money for 2 bedrooms. I gave a majority of it to the widows. We need money for food and gas too."

Jaya nodded her head in agreement and spoke to the clerk behind the desk. After signing some papers and getting the hotel key, the two girls headed up to their room. They both showered, one after the other, but it wasn't until later when they confronted the bed situation.

Yelena and Jaya both did a lot of menial tasks, trying to avoid the bed as much as possible. However, one thing about Jaya that Yelena knew, that Jaya wasn't aware of, was that Jaya was impatient.

"I'm tired. I'm going to bed. I'll sleep on the chair."

Yelena looked up from dusting, well, nothing. There was no dust. Yelena had been dusting for the past hour. "What? No. You hurt you're leg, you're sleeping on the bed."

Jaya stopped examining the lamp. "And you fixed up my leg. It's fine. Besides, I got plenty of sleep in the car. You're the one that carried the mission, you're probably hella tired."

Yelena was tired of Jaya's shit. The next words to come out of the blonde's mouth was not planned, but she was impressed with it. "I'm tired. You're tired. We both sleep on the bed."

Jaya opened her mouth, as if she was about to argue, but Yelena already jumped on the bed. Jaya was not ready for this. Not only was Yelena borrowing Jaya's clothes for sleepwear(which Jaya was never going to take back), but they were also about to sleep together.

Well, it wasn't like Jaya had a choice.

She slowly went to lie down on the bed, as close to the edge as possible, as Yelena turned off the lamp.

"You're going to fall off. Come closer," Yelena demanded. Jaya thanked the heavens that the lights were off, because the flustered look on her face would've given everything away. The only light was the soft moonlight coming from the window.

What wasn't so obvious was that Yelena was also nervous. She was sleeping right beside the girl she liked, wearing her clothes. In her defense, she didn't have many clothes yet, and she wasn't about to sleep in her battle uniform. Yelena was wearing Jaya's Star Wars shirt, which she knew Jaya loved due to past conversations. It smelled like Jaya, like comfort. Comfort the laundry detergent.

Yelena hoped Jaya knew that she wasn't ever going to get this back.

Yelena knew that this was her chance. The blonde doubted she would find a time like this again, when she was alone, with Jaya, for a moment of respite.

"Hey," Yelena asked, putting a hand on Jaya's shoulder. Jaya turned around to see Yelena's face, barely visible if not for the moonlight.

"What's up?" Jaya replied.

"Listen," Yelena took a deep breath. "I think it's about time we talk"

Jaya's heart was beating faster than normal, and her thoughts suddenly became a blur. "Y-yeah."

Yelena continued. "We can't just ignore the fact that you flirted with me just before we fell to our deaths, and I kissed you in response. I, uh, r-really liked that kiss. I didn't even know who you were. You just came on the mission, and I helped you come on the mission, which was probably one of the best decisions I've ever made. You make me feel, I don't know, different. What I'm trying to say is...I really like you, and I would like to be your girlfriend. It's fine if you say no, but we can't continue this in between thing-"

Suddenly, Yelena was was silenced by the soft, plush lips of Jaya. This was different from their last kiss, but not in a bad way. It felt less desperate, possibly because they weren't falling to their deaths. They both explored each other, both guarded, worried that they would mess up. Yelena placed a hand on Jaya's waist, gently guiding her onto her back. She lifted her other hand up to her face, holding her chin in her hand, just as Jaya tentatively brought her hands up to Yelena's shoulders, then onto her back. The kiss was filled with hesitant desire, coming from both sides, but soon the moment of ecstasy was broken apart as both females pulled away for air. 

"I...really like you too. I'm not exactly, uh, good with emotions, or anything emotion related, which you should probably know beforehand. But, but I promise I'll try. I would also like to be your girlfriend. If, uh, you're still up for it."

Yelena sighed, a small smile etched across her face as she fell back onto the bed, placing her forehead against Jaya's. "Of course I'm still up for it. I've clearly taken note of your hideous social skills the day we first met."

Jaya giggled, wrapping her arms around Yelena's neck. "Well then, I guess we're girlfriends now."

Yelena smiled wider than she thought was possible. "Yeah, I guess we are."


"I hope you know you're never getting this shirt back."


WELL FOLKS, CHANGE OF PLANS, YOURE GETTING A CHAPTER TODAY! That went a lot quicker than I thought it would. I hope you enjoyed it!



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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