Chapter 4

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"Is it your time of the month?" 

Even in her barely conscious state, Jaya wanted to punch Alexei. She was slumped in the seat behind Yelena, with a thin jacket spread out over her. She could barely move, let alone throw a punch. How long has it been? An hour? Five? Possibly a day or two? She tilted her head slightly to the right to check her Minnie mouse watch. 

Ten minutes. She was out for 10 minutes.

"I don't get my period, dipshit. I don't have a uterus," Yelena clapped back.  

"Or ovaries," Natasha.

"Yeah. That's what happens when the Red Room gives you an involuntary hysterectomy. They kind of just go in and they rip out all of your reproductive organs. They just get right in there and they chop them all away. Everything out, so you can't have babies," the blonde continued.

"Okay, okay. Okay! Okay! You don't have to get so clinical and nasty," Alexei sounded sick.

Good, Jaya thought.

"Oh, well, I was about to talk about fallopian tubes, but okay."

Jaya herself was disgusted, but not for the same reason as Alexei. She was disgusted that people had treated innocent girls like...objects. Like they were an expendable source, like they didn't have thoughts, or feelings, or minds of their own. She couldn't even begin to imagine the pain that Natasha and Yelena had gone through. 

At first, Jaya only came on this mission because she was bored. Because she had nowhere to go, and because she desperately needed a way to escape her own intrusive thoughts. Now, she was glad she came along. If Nat and Yelena were trying to take down this Dreykov dude, the source of all of the widows, then Jaya would be more than happy to help. Even though she wouldn't be much help.

"Hey..." Jaya managed to let out.

"About time,  Sleeping Beauty," Yelena said, sarcasm dripping in her voice.

Jaya rolled her eyes. "I was only out for 10 minutes."

"Which is definitely not enough. Go back to bed," Yelena shot back. 

Jaya grumbled out a no before trying to sit upright. However, her body failed her as her head started to spin, sending her back to square one.

The blonde in front of her gave her an annoying smirk. "Told you to go back to bed."

"I'm not sleeping. I'm lying down."

"Yeah, whatever you say, sweetheart." Yelena turned slightly to face her. "Hey, what was that back there anyway?"

Natasha answered for her. "Her powers. They're all over the place, and almost always show up in a life or death situation. Usually not at this scale though.... This doesn't mean you get to keep throw yourself around on missions. You could get seriously hurt."

Yelena chuckled. "That would be funny."

Jaya agreed. "Death sounds like fun. But you're not being fair, Nat. I didn't even do anything at the prison except play Geometry dash. You can't blame me for doing nothing, which is exactly what you told me to do."

"Yeah," Nat agreed. "You did do nothing. Because you finally learned from all the other incidents. I'm honestly surprised you didn't jump from the plane along with me"

Jaya cringed at the mention of the past missions. She jeopardized the whole mission because she wanted to help, multiple times. "You're lucky I brought along my phone," she muttered. "Geometry dash was the only thing keeping me from trying to help."

Sweetheart - Yelena BelovaWhere stories live. Discover now