Chapter 3

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"You've had 18 jobs in the past 3 years?" Yelena exclaimed from the pilot's seat.

"Mhm," Jaya was lying upside down in the seat behind Yelena, answering all of her questions for her.

"And you got fired from them all."


"That's impressive." Natasha rolled her eyes at the conversation folding out in front of her. Yelena's been questioning Jaya about her career for the past hour. It wasn't much of a career, taking orders and serving food, but Yelena seemed to find it incredibly interesting.

"Did you get yourself fired from all 18?" the blonde asked.

"No. Some of them just fired me because they couldn't pay me. Some of them fired me after they found out that I was affiliated with the avengers."

"Affiliated. Fancy word coming from someone with a small brain."

"Shut it, Belova. My brain's bigger than yours. And I like fancy words, thank you very much. I was a 4 time district champion for the speech and debate team," Jaya boasted. "I was from the speech section. I wrote passionate and captivating essay's, worming through judges' hearts and minds-"

"Jeez, are you always this much of a nerd, sweetheart?" Yelena interrupted.

"Just wait till she gets to the part about how every librarian in her area knows her name," Natasha teased.

"Hey! First of all, stop calling me that Belova. And secondly, getting the librarians to remember me was no easy feat, and achieving that honorary status took a lot time, work, and eff-"

"We don't have time for your "amazing" achievements," Natasha stood up, putting air quotes around the word amazing. "We're reaching the prison in a few minutes, we have to remember the plan.

"What's the plan again?" her sister asked, earning a sigh from Natasha. 

"I sent a package to Alexei," she explained. "He's gonna exit from the door on the south wall. He's a super soldier, he should be able to get out just fine. We fly down, pick him out, and scram."

Yelena gave her sister a questioning look. "This is Alexei we're talking about. He's gonna mess something up."

"Which is where plan B comes in," the redhead replied. "You're in control of the ship at all times. I'll jump down to get Alexei, bring him back up."

Jaya sat upright for the first time in over an hour. "So what do I do?" she asked.

"You...keep watch." Natasha tried to sound convincing, but failed.

"So you basically sit there. Like a sack of potatoes," Yelena stated, matter-of-factly.

Jaya didn't show it, but she was hurt. She knew they were right, she brought absolutely nothing to the team. She wasn't even supposed to be here. Her so called powers didn't help her at all. She tagged along simply because she was bored, because she had no job, and she recently got kicked out of her crappy rented room. She served as nothing but deadweight to this mission. She was, like the blonde had put, a sack of potatoes.

So Jaya did what any other person with a bruised ego would do. She took out her phone and started playing geometry dash.

Suddenly, Natasha was sitting next to her sister, who was piloting the flight. "Today's your lucky day, Alexei," she said. "Move to the door on the south wall."

Jaya heard some crashing noises and angry Russian yelling on the tablet up front, but she was too caught up in her game to take a look. She was at 50%, the highest she's ever been.

Sweetheart - Yelena BelovaWhere stories live. Discover now