AU-gust Day 11: Summer Camp

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A/N: I don't even remember ever going to summer camp, so I'll probably steal a lot of stuff from Rooster Teeth's Camp Camp and/or Total Drama Island oops-

"Isn't summer camp GREAT?" Saw asked.

"Not really. Isn't it just another way for our parents to get rid of us?" Gaty frowned.

"So you're saying they abandoned us here?" Book asked, snapping her book shut.

"Okay, no, not to that extent," Gaty replied. "Wait, how did you manage to sneak a book past the camp counselors?"

"I... had to sneak this in?" Book asked, confused.

"Yeah, it's a summer camp, so you're not allowed to do indoor things like reading books," Gaty said. "They only let you do outdoor things."

"Like sports?" Taco asked hopefully.

"Yeah! We also do arts and crafts and stuff!" Saw nodded.

"Arts and crafts?" Lollipop asked, before turning to Teardrop. "You're pretty good at those, aren't you, TD?"

Teardrop nodded vigorously.

"I'm glad I got put into the same cabin as you, Teardrop," Lollipop continued. "I would have preferred if Gelatin was also here, but I guess it makes sense that the cabins wouldn't be co-ed."

"What are you talking about? The other cabins ARE co-ed," Ice Cube said.

"Oh Ice Cube, you're back!" Book exclaimed, to which Ice Cube just rolled her eyes.

"Oh." Lollipop frowned, before shrugging and setting her stuff down on a bunk bed. "Anyways, maybe we should get settled. Teardrop, want to share a bunk bed with me?"

Teardrop nodded, flapping her arms in excitement, before climbing up onto the top bunk of the bunk bed that Lollipop claimed.

All of a sudden, Gaty was tackled into a hug. "What the-?"

"GATY! Let's share a bunk bed!" Saw said.

"Aw, Saw!" Taco whined. "I thought that with Lollipop sharing with Teardrop, we'd share with each other!"

"Sorry Taco," the dark haired girl replied, "but I wanna be with Gaty. I think this summer camp just has the right atmosphere for... you know..." Saw trailed off, blushing a little.

"No, I don't know, actually. Now please get off of me?" Gaty said, at the same time that a look of realization flashed on Taco's face.

"Oh, good luck, Saw!" the Mexican girl told to her friend.

"Thanks, Taco!" Saw beamed, then turned her attention to Gaty. "Would you like to be top or bottom?"

"Whaaaatttt???" Gaty's face flushed.

Lollipop stifled a snicker. "Saw, that's not how you ask which bunk bed someone prefers."

"Oh, bunk beds!" Gaty sighed in relief, "I'll take whichever you don't want."

"Okay, then I'll be on the top one and you'll be on the bottom one!" Saw said innocently, completely unaware of how Gaty misinterpreted her previous question.

"Ahem, Ice Cube," Book suddenly spoke up. "Could we share a bunk bed?"

Ice Cube just grabbed the person nearest to her besides Book, who just so happened to be Dora, and headed to another bunk bed, claiming the bottom bed hers. Dora just climbed up the bunk bed's ladder and muttered something in Spanish.

With that, both Taco and Book froze, realizing they would have to share the bunk bed with each other.

Upon seeing this, Lollipop called out to Dora, "Would you be willing to switch bunk beds with Taco?"

Dora shook her head.

"I'll switch with Book," Ice Cube volunteered. "As long as I don't share a bunk bed with her."

"Why does nobody want to share bunk beds with me?" Book cried.

"Gee, I wonder why. It's not like you became paranoid, started being over controlling, and accused us all of abandoning you," Lollipop said sarcastically. Seeing Book's glare, she continued on, adding, "Don't worry, however. I'm sure Leafy's having the same problem in her cabin."

Meanwhile, in a different cabin, Leafy's eyes shot open, abruptly sitting up in her bunk.

"Wha?" Woody asked, concerned.

"I get the feeling that someone's talking trash about me," the green eyed girl responded, narrowing her eyes.

"Yeah, Cloudy and Balloony are," Nickel responded. "Did you really only notice now?"

Leafy threw her pillow at Nickel. "I mean outside of our cabin!" she yelled, annoyed. "Why couldn't I have been in the same cabin as Firey, Pin, or Needle?"

Back in the all girls cabin, there was a silence before Taco just smiled awkwardly and said, "It's okay, Ice Cube, I'm fine sharing the bunk bed with Book! ...As long as I get the top bunk," she added.

"Alright, thanks Taco," Book said, relieved that at least someone in her old friend group was willing to give her a second chance. Ironically enough, it had been the one that she had wronged the most who was willing to bunk with her. She settled down on the bottom bunk of the sole unoccupied bed, as Taco climbed up the ladder to get onto the top one.

At that moment, the door opened and one of the camp counselors walked in.

"Oh God no," Lollipop muttered as she saw which camp counselor had come in.

"I'm Four and I'll be your cabin's camp counselor!" Four explained. "From now on, you shall be known as Cabin Bleh!"

"What kind of name is that?" Taco asked.

Four glared at her. "I'll have you know that the cabin X is overseeing is literally called "The Losers" Cabin. In addition, the cabin that Two oversees is called Cabin Death PACT."

"...On second thought, I actually like our cabin name," Taco said.

"What kind of summer camp names one of their cabins Death PACT?" Gaty asked incredulously.

"Ours does!" Four said cheerfully.

"Shouldn't you run into legal trouble with that?" Book asked, nervously. "I imagine some parents might sue. I mean, it could be interpreted as a death threat."

"We never have, because none of your parents care about you and that's why you were sent here!" Four said brightly. "Also, how did you get this book past us?" He snatched the book out of the bespectacled girl's hands.

"Sorry, I didn't realize it wasn't allowed!" Book said. "You can keep it for the rest of the summer camp, but can you at least bookmark the page I'm on?"


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