AU-gust Day 23: Historical Fantasy

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A/N: Not me writing Tacobook for the third chapter in a row 😭.

There is a story told throughout the land about a princess trapped in a tower guarded by a fearsome dragon and the handsome knight that defeated the dragon and saved our damsel.

This is not that story.

No, this story is about what really happened.

It all started when Book, the youngest princess of the neighboring kingdom, ran away from home.

"This is for the best," the young princess whispered to herself. "Nobody likes or needs you back home anyway. After all, your five older siblings have long since awakened their powers and are already loved by the kingdom. Meanwhile, you don't have any powers and you're too shy to do anything but hole yourself up in the palace library. Your oldest sister is right. You're useless. At least you can do what you want uninterrupted here."

Standing before Book was the Tower of Knowledge, a magical library that adhered to the whims of its current librarian. Book took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After a few moments, the door creaked open on its own, allowing Book to enter.

As she walked inside, she was overjoyed to see how vast the selection of books were. While part of her was still sad about how useless her family must think she is, she drowned that part out with her curiosity and started reading a book that caught her eye. She was so busy that she didn't even realize that the door to the library had already closed on its own. Or that there was now a sleeping dragon outside the window.

And she definitely didn't notice that the once empty name card on the librarian's desk now had her name on it.

A few years after the neighboring kingdom had frantically sent knights out to try to find their youngest princess (but to no avail), a young woman from a relatively near village happened to come across the Tower of Knowledge, though of course, she didn't know that it was called that. Upon seeing the sleeping dragon outside the tower, she took out a dagger, prepared to fight it and save whichever poor soul was trapped inside that tower. Before she could strike, however, the dragon opened one eye lazily.

"How rude," the dragon said disapprovingly. "Were you really planning on striking down a sleeping dragon?"

"Wait, you can talk?" the young woman asked, surprised.

"Why yes, I can," the dragon replied. "What did you think I was? Some sort of mindless beast?"

"...So you aren't keeping anyone trapped inside that tower?" the young woman asked.

"Oh, there is someone inside this tower, but she actually chose to stay here," the dragon answered. "I'm not trapping her in. I'm just making sure nobody bothers her while she's reading. And what about you, young lady?"

The young woman frowned. "Uh, I'm Taco and I just kind of happened upon this place when exploring the areas around my village. But more importantly, are you sure that whoever is in this tower is actually fine with being trapped in there?"

"It isn't trapping if they're willing. And yes, I'm sure."

Taco frowned. "Well I don't believe so, what kind of life can you have when you're trapped inside a tower?" She looked up at the only window of the tower and yelled, "Whoever is in there, I'm coming up to save you!"

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