AU-gust Day 19: Daemons

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A/N: Being new to the concept of daemons, this ( really helped me figure out the BFB character's daemons. Also, while I'm still not 100% sure that these would actually be their daemons, idk something about the dynamics between a fox and a rabbit just appeals to me (Before y'all say anything about Zootopia, just know that I've never even watched that movie lol) and also Taco and Book still fit the descriptions of someone with a fox daemon and someone with a rabbit daemon respectively. Also, sorry if I got the details/lore of the daemons AU wrong, but I literally only learned about it today.

As much as she hated to admit it, Book had done the very thing she had sworn to never do; judge someone based on their daemon's form.

Worse still, she had made baseless accusations based off of someone's daemon's form. Meanwhile, the most that Pencil and Match had done to her  once her daemon had settled to a cottontail rabbit was snidely comment that a tiny little rabbit fit Book's weak and passive nature to a T. Not that the word passive really fit Book anymore, considering how aggressive she had been towards Taco.

To be fair, it had at first seemed only logical that Book should be cautious about Taco. After all, Taco's fox daemon was a natural enemy of Book's daemon. Despite the fact that daemons could talk like humans and weren't really animals, they still maintained quite a few traits of their actual animal counterparts.

But Book had had enough of being prey. She had gone to college hoping that she wouldn't have had to deal with the Pencil's and Match's of high school anymore. Dorm mate or not, Book wouldn't be fooled into thinking that Taco meant her no harm, and she would gladly let Taco know that she could see right through her facade as well.

But things weren't as straightforward as it had seemed to be. Not only did Taco not have a facade in the first place, but while both girls' daemons did often get into the same tense situations as their humans (which was actually pretty funny in hindsight; I mean, where else would you see a fox looking timid at a the glare of a rabbit not even half its size?) but sometimes there were more questionable actions by their daemons.

Whenever either girl wakes up in the morning, they'd see their daemons snuggling with each other. Of course, as soon as either daemon woke up, the two would immediately separate and pretend that nothing had happened. Book refused to think about the implications that had about her own feelings towards Taco, but she did sometimes wonder if Taco was a masochist or something. After all, even though she had thought she was just defending herself, Book knew even back then that she wasn't exactly the nicest to Taco.

As for the two human girls, they couldn't have cuddled up to each other in the same way even if they wished to do do (which they definitely didn't), as their dorm had a bunk bed. (Taco had already claimed the top bunk by the time Book arrived at the dorm, so even in college, Book was still in the bottom bunk, like always).

Maybe they should have paid more attention to their daemons, as the two human girls were definitely not communicating properly. Taco eventually gave up with Book and decided the best way to go forth with this whole roommate thing was to just ignore her and Book stubbornly kept pushing forward with the narrative that she was right about Taco, in denial of any other things she may or may not feel towards Taco.

Their daemons however, despite being the same entity as the girls, were slightly more expressive. Book remembered reading once that daemons would sometimes express emotions randomly if their human has repressed those emotions long enough. (A/N: This probably isn't true but shhh...) Which she soon realized what must have been the case when Taco's daemon suddenly started crying and calling himself useless. And as Book watched her own daemon trying to yell at him to come back, not only did Book realize that part of her did actually want to like and trust Taco, but also that her wrongdoings towards Taco had mentally affected her more than Book had thought it would.

So, that led us to here, with Book now realizing what she had done to Taco and feeling horrified at herself. Racked with guilt, she realized she had to do something if she wanted to make up with Taco.

...But what could she do?

A/N: I'm ending this here because it's already one of the next day since I'm a clown 🤡 who fell asleep while writing this. So sorry if this is rushed, but I'm kinda still tired and want to sleep again so yeah 🙃

Writing challenges and stuffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora