》The Cross Between《

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3rd POV

Tom lived among the angels. Although he felt he didn't belong, he had a job. His job was to take the souls of the people who had died and see if they were worthy.

Tord lived among the demons. He hated it there. He had a job as well. His job was the same as Tom's, although it was on the demon side instead of the angel's side.

Edd and Matt lived among the humans. They lived as roommates in an apartment. They both had jobs. Edd's job was a waitress at a local restaurant. Matt's job was mattress seller. They had happy lives.

But it would all change today...

Tom's POV

I was doing my job when a new person was assigned. I decided to be nice, even though they were a demon and I was an angel. "Hello, my name is-" I started but he cut me off. "I don't want to know. Let's just get this done so i can go." He said. 'Well he's rude.' I thought to myself.

We started to get to work and each person was either really needing help or was so good that they weren't. After a few people it was break time. "Goodbye!" I yelled to them but they had already left. 'Wow, really rude.' I thought again. I went to have lunch with my friend.

Tord's POV

I ran off as quickly as I could. "Damn you Tord. You could've had a good run." I heard a voice say. "Stay out of my business Carla!" I yelled as I turned to face her. Carla had pierced her nose, ears, eyebrow, and belly button. She pierced her tongue but it got annoying to her, so she just let it heal. "Well you could've. He would be great down here in hell." She said. I knew he was an angel but I had been here for a while. I would eavesdrop on the others while they were doing their job as the sorter only to see him. I finally got ranked up to sorter and had the same schedule as him. I was glad to have the same schedule as him. "You have a crush on him! Flirt!" She said. "No!" I yelled. I knew he hated me. I was a demon and he was a angel. There was no way that we could be together. "Really? Sometimes I don't know what to do with you." She said. I just walked away while she walked in. I walked torwards the lunch room. I got my mulch and sat down by myself at a table. That's when a couple of other demons came over and started to beat me up. I just went through the pain like it didn't hurt. They eventually got tired of me not caring and left. I got up and threw away my trash. I went to my room, sat down on my bed, and cried. I cried and cried. I hated being in hell. I layed down and cried myself to sleep, hoping it would all change.

Tom's POV and time skip

I woke up and of course went to work. I had the first shift and I hated it. I sat down and waited for that demon to come. He came running with his cover halfway off. I blushed but shook it off. "Sorry I'm late! I got out of bed late this morni- aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" He said. He fell into the void as someone pushed him. I gasped. The guy who pushed him in was laughing. "Have fun! Slut!" He yelled into the void. I had to go help him. What if he got hurt or worse, caught. What the fuuuuuuuuu-" I yelled but was cut of by passing out.

Time skip

I woke up in the middle of a hospital bed. Everything hurt. "Ugh, ow." "Oh your awake. You were found outside, passed out, on the streets." There was a lady that I saw. She had blonde curly hair and a nurse outfit on. "Where am I and do you know anyone with chesnut colored hair, horns, a tail, and a red cover on?" I asked. "Um, not exactly sir but I do know someone with that hair color with horns. He was found near you passed out as well." She said. "Can I go see him?" I asked. "Yes he is awake as well you woke up after him." She said. I jumped out of the bed and followed her to his room. It had been a long time since I had been on earth. I had gotten run over by a guy and was in the hospital for three days until I died in the bed. She opened the door and I saw a person who looked similar but i knew was not him. "This is not the person I'm looking for i don't think. Can you leave me with him for a minute please?" I asked her. She nodded a left. "Who are you?" I asked him. "The demon you work with remember? I look the same don't I?" He asked. I shook my head no. I told him how he looked. He had chesnut hair like he did in hell but he had no demon like qualities. He had a red turtle neck sweater with blackish-grey pants. He told me how I looked as well. I apparently had a blue shirt on with blue jeans on. My hair looked the same but had no angel like qualities. It sounded like the clothes I had on when I had been taken to the hospital. I looked down and tried not to cry but the tears never stopped coming. He ran over to me and hugged me. "No, no, don't cry. What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing." I said as I wiped my tears away. "Clearly something is wrong. What's wro-" He said but I cut him off. "I said nothing! Nothing is wrong..." I said.


Hello! Cliffhanger. If you liked this oneshot then comment if you want a part two. Bye pups!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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