Q and A

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I've had many questions throughout the journey that has been the writing of Stable Spice. So let's answer some of them!

1. Why does Iris keep bitting the males?
Iris is very similar to a vampire in that she gains power from the blood she drinks. While I've touched on this a bit over a few different chapters I would like to clarify. Iris bites the males for a number of reasons. The first and most practical reason is her need for power in order to survive. Followed by the fact she needed knowledge of the different languages. The bond formed by drinking blood also for a temporary link to form giving her access to memories, thoughts, and feelings.

2. Is the MC really an Empress? Or do the male MCs just assume this?
This is actually a very complicated thing to answer. I feel like I might have bitten off more than I can chew adding in this extra information. The short answer is yes and no. I plan to touch more on this topic in a later chapter having to do with a history lesson the Lantana people. Iris is an Empress as far as the Zannions and Queni are concerned. As far as they know that is what her people are called. It's like how pink in English is pink but in French it's rose. Same meaning but different word.

3. How old is she?
I tried to cover this in my recent chapter, 38, the MC is actually in her early breeding years mentally. However, due to a poor excuse for a mother and no blood until recently she is physically only ten months old.

4. What are Early Breeding years?
This is something that will be getting cover soon so I must request that you are all patient for the answer.

Okay now let's move on to a couple questions you guys asked about me more so than the story.

1. How did I come up with the idea for this story?
Last year I read A LOT of science fiction alien love stories. I also have a few friends who are pretty kinky. Or very kinky depending on who you ask, lol. I found out aliens are a pretty hot topic. From scales and fur, to straight up insects. I also have friends with vampire kinks... admittedly books and movies such as Twilight probably brought that to light for many.
Eventually I got the idea to write stories for my friends which is how this all started. Instead of writing a separate story for every dream and fantasy of my friends I decided to combine them. It was such a hit with the group I decided to turn it into a full on story instead of some steamy only scenes.

2. Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend? Do they know what you are writing?
Yes and yes. While I find this particular question a interesting and I don’t see how my love life factors into need to know in terms of a fiction story. That being said my boyfriend of two years not only knows I wrote things like this but often reads them as well.

3. Are the updates random?
At this point... Yep. Originally I tried to post at least once a week. My savings however have hit zero and I have bills. In addition to these factors I don't always feel like writing. And even on days when I do feel like writing I don't aways feel like writing this story. At any given time I have at least four or five other ideas that my friends are encouraging me to try and write.

Alright guys that warps up the first Q and A. I'm sure there will be more in the future. As always feel free to leave comments with your questions and once we get enough I'll do another Q and A or I'll make you wait to find out in through the story.

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