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Hearing the two of them call Bacu that chilled me to the bone for some reason. Alpha. None of us even fully understood what that ment. Yet, it felt wrong to me to hear someone else called by that title.

Harren slid off the bed and laid flat to the floor. He watched Bacu in a way that was unnerving to see. Iris used her fangs to cut her hand which she pressed to Bacu's mouth. He was gentle with her but drank deeply. Her purr sounded louder than I had ever heard before. She did not move away from him as she had Harren.

Yet, when he jerked back the pain in his body was undeniable. Everyone of his quills stuck straight out. Harren crawled around her back, pressing in close to her. Bacu did not take long. Bones broke and seemingly disappeared in his arms and legs. His quills grew longer as did his fins. His horns shrunk to nothing on his head. Eventually the Bacu we all knew became only head, body, and tail.

"Basilisk," I heard Iris say. "Known for being highly venomous." She held what was now his face and cooed at him in her native language. He started to try and crawl up onto her bed only for her to glare at him. The glare was seemingly enough. He curled about the two of them.

Iris made sure he was settled before gesturing the next one in line forward. Bacu lunged at Fik. Only to be stopped by Iris. She swatted him the way one would an arrogant child. Only she used her wing.

Queen rooms were notorious for being large but as the first Emperoress in a very long time the builder had gone all out in Iris' rooms. Her bedroom was no exception. Although she had it cluttered with a multitude of things there was still room for all of us to not only fit but move around. That, however, did not stop those of us that knew her from moving as far away as the room would allow. Most of the other Zannons were quick to notice and follow.

A couple had to be pulled away from the stand off. The Emperoress stood between us and Bacu. Both bared sets of vicious fangs. Then Bacu laid down, or rather was seemingly forced down. The Basilisk slid away to show the Bacu I had known growing up. He kept his body low as he crawled to the Emperoress. He rolled over onto his back, reminding all of us how naked he now was. His rod begged for attention from the female above.

She gave it none. Bacu stretched his hands up above his head but made sure not to touch her. He said nothing as she stared down at him. She did not say a word but a smile curled her lips as Harren came closer. Her blood dripped down from her fingers onto Bacu's hands. He hissed like a training master had taken vine to him. His back arched and his tail thumped hard on the floor. We watched as her blood solidified and pinned him to her floor.

"Harren, take care of Bacu while I eat."
The sound that came out of Harren then was the sound a predator made when it knew its prey had no hope. That was when it occurred to me. Iris said her blood could awaken something. That her blood could only awaken something in her Blood... Her mates. My eyes glanced at Adeiu. He had tasted her blood and yet nothing had happened.

She kept her smile as she crept closer to Fik. He had been next and it would seem she was still going to feed off him. As her fangs sank deep into his neck a sound came from Bacu and Harren. They were covered in blood. Their eyes locked on her. Harren had one hand on Bacu's rod and the other on his own. For the first time I smelt her desire in the air. It drove me closer to her. No male would smell a females desire and leave her be. Yet, none of the Queni moved to relieve her.

"She is still to young," I heard Zager say. The hiss that came from her told me she had as well. Perhaps Harren was right. Perhaps she was not young at all but forced to look like it. If the Cacoon was how her people grew... then being unable to make the Cacoon ment she could have been dozens of cycles old and no one would know.

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