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My first order of business had been to ban Jensen for my wing of the school. Next had been setting up the rooms. At least six of the Zannons would stay with me at all times. The rest I gave a list to start setting up for the test as I made the written ones. Suna helped me write them up while the rest of help make sure the Zannons set everything up in the right rooms.

I spent most of the day making and extensive test. Which covered Math, Reading, Shapes, colors, and anatomy. It also had an essay portion asking why the males wished to take my class.

The mate quiz covered hygiene, cooking, leisure, fun, and of course an essay asking about their family lifes and growing up. Over all each applicant would get three hours for one. A lunch break in which they would make their own food and eat. Then it would be on to the next test where they would get another 3 hours. They did not have to take both but Suna believed everyone would.

After the tests were written I set about making the speakers to each room. This way I would be able to address them all without having to go to each classroom. It was grueling and exhausting. I collapsed onto my bed and slept.

The next morning I made the sorting system. At what Latana considered 9 in the morning we opened the doors.

I spoke into my microphone at the podium as they walked in. "Queni please split into eight rows and proceed to put your names into the tablets that the first row of Zannons hold. The second row of Zannons will give you a number. Do not lose it. Your number will be how you are assigned to a room to take the test. Lose your number and you have to wait until the next selection to be considered. After you get your number please wait in one of the sections labeled waiting. Please proceed in an orderly fashion." Two hours. It took two hours to get everyone's name down and numbered. And even then we had to turn many away because there was not enough room.

"Numbers one through fourty please follow the signs to testing room one. Sit in the seat designated to your number. Numbers fourty one through eighty processed to testing room two. Sit in the seat assigned to your number." On and on I went we had set up twenty five classrooms which allowed us to test up to one thousand students at a time.

"Everyone is in the rooms," Harren told me.

"We will now be commencing the start of the first test. You have three hours. You may not leave the classroom before those three hours are up so I suggest you use this time fully. Remember to answer every question. If you do not know the answer skip it and come back. I wish you all the best of luck. Begin. "

I could believe what she had managed to do. I had never heard of a Queen managing something like this entirely on her own. She had barely eaten the day before and still hadn't had food or blood today. It showed. She looked so pale again but she was monitoring the student text. Moving some of the numbers around for reasons I could not understand. She so as they answered the questions. Even the Queni seemed confused.

It was Harren that noticed she put a mark next to some of the names. Names that could be found near the bottom of the list. She seemed tried but still she moved things around as did the computer. Several of the people she had picked scored low on the text. With each question they answered they fell further. While others rose.

"Can you please explain this to us?" Suna finally asked.

She pointed at the holo list the computer showed. "They are taking the student quiz. If the number goes up the list then they have more correct answers than those below them. If the number goes down they is answered wrong." She then pointed at her tablet. "I am going over potential mates. Those that have this by them have no chance. Frankly I can not out right say no to them until after they take the student quiz. But I would prefer never to see them in my classes. Again based entirely on their answers. They way they answer leads me to believe they would create internal conflicts among the Blood."

"Did you not say fighting was normal?" I ask.

"It is," her checks redden, "but only for the position of alpha... the only other time fighting would be allowed is for... pleasure."

"Pleasure? Why and how can pleasure be found in fighting?" Suna asked.

"Blood often find pleasure among one another. Both in and out of an Emperoress bed. Until I reach... maturity I will not want such things. However blood can increase desire."

"Wait you mean males of your people will... mate one another?" Harren asked. She nodded and looked at him. "Willingly? For their own pleasures?" And she nodded and gave him a questioning look.

"Just as an Emperoress can take pleasure by different means so can her males. Likewise any pleasure I get from seeing and doing they also feel. Well if we are truly ment to be tied together." We all fell silent after that. How could a male be with another male? It was something none of us had even heard of yet she deemed it normal. Even expected. We watched as she continued sorting until the the clock stopped the count. A voice popped on Test over please wait for further instructions. Thank you for your patience.

"Oh good I was worried it wouldn't actually work."

"What is it?" Zager questioned while looking around.

She giggled, "An automatic voice response. It is not a person but a mechanical response. I designed it to give basic instructions throughout the day."

Was there anything she actually needed us for?

She turned to me then. I need someone to carry me afterall. But I keep you because I like you.

"Did anyone else hear that?" I asked.

"Hear what?" my brothers asked. Their hands going to their weapons.

"Me," Iris said. "I was wondering how much longer it would take you to hear me. I am getting stronger. I will not have to bite Kadic just for information now."

"What does that mean?" Bacu yelled.

She looked at him with narrowed eyes, "Loud...It means after my next Cacoon Kadic will likely become my first Blood. And by default my Alpha Blood."

"I got to ask," Harren started, "What is the difference between Alpha Blood and regular?"

"An Alpha is stronger, faster. He will have the most access to my blood and power. An Alpha does not leave his Emperoress bed. He is the most connected to the Emperoress. He knows  her wants and desires. His only responsibility is seeing to her protection and managing the blood. And he never ever leaves her side for more than a couple minutes at a time."

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