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Jo's pov 

 I cannot imagine myself living anywhere near the countryside, but I had to admit that the rush of the city was more difficult that it used to be, so I can see where Brian got the idea from. This trip was exactly what both of us needed right now.

After the flight

- That was... something. - Brian looked at me with a terrified and confused look

- Well I guess flying with two kids it's more difficult than we expected... - I replied with the same look on my face

 The flight has actually going well for the first 3 hours up until our one year old decided that she wanted to cry for absolutely no reason at all. She wasn't hungry or cold or anything for that matter.  It took me almost an hour but finally i was able to calm her down with a really big help of Sunny bunnies. 

Luna is probably the chattiest kid I know so even though she has a pretty good control over herself, it was no surprise that she spent the entire flight talking and singing.

- Daddy I'm hungry. - Luna mumbled 

- Alright let's just get our suitcases and go to grab some lunch, okay? - Brian answered 

- Yeahhhh - She chuckled 

 After grabbing our bags we went to eat at this restaurant nearby the hotel we were staying at.

- Mommy can you come play with me in the park? - Lunes asks me after we finished our food

- Of course honey - I follow her to the playground while my husband asks the waitress that is definitely pretending not to see that his wife and kids are at the table, for the bill. I mean I don't blame her, Brian it's not the type of guy to go unnoticed but that doesn't make it less inappropriate.

 As Luna was going up the stairs to the slide, I get a call for Meredith asking if everything was going well. Just has I am about to hang up the phone, I hear a scream. 

- OH MY GOD - I scream when i see my four year old crying on the floor with blood coming from her forehead. Brian comes running after me with Olivia in his arms. I pick Luna up and we decide to take her to the ER since she will probably need stitches.

 In the ER

- This is the last place I was expecting to be spending our vacations in - Brian joked as we waited for a doctor, I was holding Luna's hand that had already stooped crying, with a worried look in my face - Hey, she is gonna be okay! - He comforted me 

- I know, I just... - I was suddenly cut of by a male voice

- Luna Carter, I'm doctor Karev and I will... - The male stopped once he laid eyes on me


This was it for now! I don't know exactly where I'm going with this story so if you want to give me some suggestions on the comments, be free to ;)

Btw in this story, Alex didn't tell Jo were he moved and her and Meredith didn't discuss it either


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