Past time lover

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 The tall brunette interrupts is own sentence once his eyes lay on me and then to my hand that is now squeezing Lunas' as hard as it can. 

 - Oh... Hi... - He finally gets himself to speak after the awkward silence fills in the room 

 I didn't bring myself to say a word and instead let out a nice but uncomfortable little smile. I could see he was trying to analyze the situation as a whole, looking at every element of my family carefully and, just like me, didn't seem to have a clue about how to handle it. Before he gets a chance to figure it, Brian stands up knowing exactly who he is.

 - Hello doctor. Brian Carter. - He presents himself giving the man a handshake while still holding Olivia on his free arm

- The neurosurgeon? - He asks with a confused surprised look on his face

- That is indeed me... - Brian muttered steeping away 

- Are you the parents? - The brunette questions 

- Yes, we are. She fell down on the park and we decided to bring her in since she might need stitches. - I blurted out making my concern visible

- You did the right thing.  

 After a couple of seconds he turned his attention towards my daughter.

 - Hi little one. I'm Doctor Alex. Can I take a look at your cut? - He said leaning down so he could be her height - Well it needs a couple of stitches but she will be good as knew.

 - Did you hear that? She'll be fine. - Brian comforted me by putting is hand on my shoulder 

- I should have been watching her.  But who the heck puts cement stairs on a park for little kids? 

- Jo you here watching her. You know our daughter! She plays hard. 

 I know that Brian felt the tension in the air since the moment Alex walked in but again that part of my life is not a surprise to him. 

 - What about a concussion? She hit her head really hard on the ground. - I point it out to Alex making him break off the state of trance he appeared to be in

- Well it's not likely but we can definitely get a head ct after the stitches. 

-  Thank you doctor - My husband replied 

   I could see Brian was almost as nervous as I was even thought he was trying his best to stay calm and comfort me.

 - If you don't mind me asking... Shouldn't this be a case for a plastics guy? 

- Well normally. But earlier today a fire trauma came in, and all the plastics surgeons got paged to help. And I'm also very good with stitches. - Alex explained - Alright, I need to give you some magical medicine so that the pains goes away. - He turns to my four year old.

- Mommy and daddy told me it isn't magic. It's science - Luna correct him making me softly smile

- Well your mommy and daddy have a point - he smirked 

 Out of nowhere my phone starts to ring and Brian goes to get it.

- It's Meredith. I'll be right back. - He caressed Lunas' cheek, handed me Olivia and went outside after giving me a look that clearly asked «is it okay?», leaving me and Alex with the millions of questions floating on the air.


It was it for today. I'm trying to be quick with the updates and will continue to try.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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