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You were happy with your baby girl but he wasn't happy at all

He loved his daughter of cause he would do anything for her but he didn't feel complete in his life.

So he went shopping to buy something very important this could determine everything for him.

So he bought the item went back home and carried on with his day as normal.

Your birthday was coming up and he and his now 4-month-old daughter went to planning aka just him because his daughter was asleep for most of the planning.

He had got your presents and got your cake he also had invited a couple of your and his close friends.

When the party was starting and everyone arrived Roy came over and gave Jason a bro hug " what's the plan? " Roy asked "When she has blown out the candles and Y/ns mum turns the lights back on and yeah," Jason said he couldn't lie he was excited and nervous at the same time.

When that moment arrived he was sweating a little bit but not a lot thankfully when the lights went out and everyone began to chant the happy birthday song he moved away from Y/n when she blew out the candles and he got in front of her.

-Y/ns pov-

When the lights went on you moved your mouth in shock...

Right in front of you now was Jason on one knee with an opened box that had a ring inside.

You couldn't believe it you already could feel the tears coming out of your eyes and you trembled a little bit with your lips you calmed yourself down as Jason began to speak

"Y/n y/l/n I know it's only been six years but I know this is right for the both of us I love you and our perfect baby girl and I would do anything for the both of you. So y/n y/l/n will you marry me?" He finally said those three words.

"Of cause you idiot," you said giggling nervously while still tearing up when he got up from his knee position and gently held your hand in his placing the ring onto your finger when he did you kiss him on the lips gently.

Everyone around you cheered and laughed in happiness for the both of you Bruce spoke "Let's open the champagne!" And that you did. You couldn't believe you were going to be married to the love of your life, the father to your baby girl and maybe more in the future. You knew you did the right choice of letting him back into your life and restarting you both were the happiness you have ever been even Bruce knew that by the way, Jason was drinking with Roy and how you and Jason danced together with the others.

You and Jason were going to have your happily ever after hopefully.

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