Chapter 1

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Italics - Past/ Flash Back

Italic Bold - Thoughts


How do you destroy a monster without becoming one? It's just not possible. I've tried repeatedly but Lady Luck just seems to have a grudge against me for some unknown reason, this heist was going as planned until we heard the wailing of sirens. The man I was with seemed calm while I was starting to panic. 

"Calm yourself" He said, looking me dead in the eye. 

I couldn't help but feel like he had something to do with this he wouldn't... right? No no, I'm just being ridiculous. Yeah, that's it. Then again... he has betrayed his other partner's in crime. I looked at him sceptically, before walking past him brushing my shoulder against his. That's when I felt it, his hand gripping onto my wrist. 

"Where are you going sugar?" He asked, grinning at me. 

I managed to wrench my wrist out of his grasp and backed away from him. This man was the monster I was trying to destroy, but without realising it, I had become one myself.  I just wanted someone who I could trust, someone who was strong and could protect me, someone who would willingly come comfort me when I needed it most.

"Why the hell did you rat us out?" I ask, not knowing if I should be angry or sad.

He didn't reply, I swear I saw regret there for just a second, but only for a second. Before his normal smile appeared and he chuckled while walking towards me. I gulped as I took a step back, but for every step I took back he took three forward. 

"You don't need to be scared of me sugar. I ain't gonna hurt ya" He said, stretching his arm out to grab me. 

The door then banged open startling both of us. We were trapped like a mouse in a maze, except we knew the way out. The only way out was through the door or out the window onto the balcony. I didn't realise I had zoned out when I heard voices.

"Thanks for the tip, but you really wanna get rid of her?"

My head snapped towards them, then my eyes darted to the window. If I jumped out that window I'm dead. If I go with them I'm dead. I backed away from them, he seemed to notice though.

"Sugar, don't do what I think you're gonna do" he said, turning his back to the police. 

Ignoring his words I ran for the balcony and could hear him running after me , as soon as I jumped up onto the ledge I felt him grab my waist, but we both went over the edge of the balcony....


"Get up you lazy shit!" I heard from outside my door.

Great the landlord is here, ah shit, I haven't paid this months or last months rent.

Begrudgingly I got up and opened the door only wearing a hoodie and shorts. My dark brown hair was up in a messy bun. Since dying I hadn't changed much, except now I'm a succubus.

I opened the door to reveal my pissed off landlord. I sighed as I knew what was about to happen.

"Pack your shit and get out" he spat, before walking away.

I turned around and walked back into my crappy apartment, I quickly brushed my hair letting that stay down and dodging my horns. I quickly threw on my usual outfit (in media above). I threw on a pair of black heels and packed everything I had. Which mind you wasn't much. I reluctantly dragged out my suitcase with  phone and key in hand I walked downstairs where I returned my key. 

Asshole. Now where am I going to go?

I trudged down the street with my suitcase, as I walked past the Radio shack not to far from where that crappy motel was I saw the Princess of Hell singing about something to do with rainbows. However, I continued walking until I heard that she was running a hotel that was free of rent and you could redeem yourself and go to heaven. 

As if that would happen, but free rent? Maybe... No I'm not that desperate

I don't even know why I stayed at that motel. I  had my own house if those idiots on my turf didn't break in. I ran the south side, but I had business to attend to in the North. So, maybe I could pop in and explain why I was in the hotel. Yeah, I'll just do that, so me being me I made my way to that hotel. Little did I know, that I would run into someone whom I would know.

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