Chapter 5

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A few weeks later, Val called James and asked for us to come down so he can show us around. I got changed into my usual outfit, and wandered downstairs to meet James. James smiled, and without a word we left. I had left a note on my door in case someone wondered where I got to. Surprisingly one of Val's limo's came to pick us up. It was horrendously bright in there. 

James and I sat in a rather comfortable silence, until we got there. When we got out, Val was there waiting for us. A wicked grin on his face. Oh how I wanted to punch it off him, but if I made one wrong slip up... who know what he would do to me. No, I can't show him the effect he has on me.  It'll just make him cockier than he already is.

While Val was showing us around, James just magically had to make a phone call. Leaving me and Val all alone. Together. I could feel the panic and fear rising in my chest. Val kept showing me around, when he stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned to me. I looked away not wanting to make eye contact.

"You have five seconds to look at me, Sugar" Val said.

I clenched my hands into fists. I am not going to let him get to me. I will not look at him.

"One" Val said, catching my attention.

"Excuse me?" I asked, not looking at him.


"If you think you can just-"

"Three. When I get to five, Sugar, your time is up."  My eyes widened as he said "four" and I ran.

"Five," he whispered grinning. 

I had managed to hide in Angel's dressing room. It was the first place I could think of and the last he would think where I would hide. I grumble and opened Angel's closet, wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I slipped in and hid in it.  There was actually more room than I thought. I heard footsteps go past the room and then stop.

"Voxy, have you seen our  new singer anywhere?" 


"No, sorry Val" 

I heard a huff of annoyance, and then the footsteps faded. That was until the door opened, to my surprise it was Vox. I can't trust him, I just can't. Surely he'll rat me out. It seems lady luck really did hate me cause Vox opened the closet and tilted his head at me.

"I suggest you do not ask" I say, earning a nod from him.

"Why do you seem so scared of Val?" Vox asked, moving aside and looking at me as I stepped out.

Should I tell him? I don't see the harm in telling someone else, so I did. I told him what happened and when I finished he laughed. I furrowed my brows together.

"You killed him?" Vox asked, I nodded.

"I mean it was an accident I didn't know he was going to grab me. It was his fault anyway." I say, with a shrug. 

"I can't believe you trusted him" Vox said, while brushing off non-existent dirt from his jacket.

"That love, was my mistake." I said, standing up off Angel's bed. 

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