Chapter 2

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I was standing outside the 'Happy Hotel' and was rethinking my decision about coming here. It was just for business though, Charlie would understand plus I am a family friend. So I took a deep breath in and knocked on the door. My heart was hammering against my rib cage. Why was I so nervous? I knew Charlie. 

The door swung open and her eyes lit up like a child's did on their birthday or at Christmas. Then she decided to pull me into a suffocating hug. 

"Charlie dear, I need to breath" I managed to get out, she gave me an apologetic look before her smile returned.

"What can I do for ya Dixie?" She asked, leading me inside. 

I looked around and frowned it was rather bland, nothing eye catching other than a bar. I turned around gave her a quizzical look.

"I am here on business darling, and I have nowhere else to stay on the North side" I stated, giving her my always charming smile. 

"Oh, of course you can stay here! Rent is free after all! Here I'll just get you your key and I'll get Al to show you to your room! Also Angel's boss is here talking with him" Charlie said, grabbing a key and giving it to me.

"Oh, Charlie I am sure I can mange finding my way to my room," I say, patting her cheek. "But I do appreciate the offer, I will be seeing you later darling." 

I walked away, and clicked making my luggage float before looking at the key. Room 102. Should be easy to find. I continued walking up I didn't want to use the elevator I needed the exercise. As I reached my room I slid the key in and opened up the door. Could use some redecoration, but it will have to do. I pushed my suitcase in and heard a door open I watched as two people came out. Angel Dust and.... him. 

I hurriedly walked into my room and shut the door and sunk to the ground. He betrayed me but I took him down with me. I'd be surprised if he remembered who I was, I have somewhat changed after all. I mean I only have horns and a tail, but I also have fangs and sharper nails. Who am I kidding? 

I started unpacking when there was knock on the door, I sighed and with a shaky hand turned the door knob and opened it revealing Angel. I sighed relieved. 

"What can I do for you Angel dear?" I ask, giving him a smile to which he returned.

"I just wanna catch up with ya that's all toots" He said, inviting himself into my room.

I sighed, it's useless trying to convince him not to do something when he already settled on what he was going to do. He threw himself on my bed as I put my clothes away. 

"So, he hasn't changed has he?" I ask, Angel was my best friend when we were alive however, when he  died Val decided to come after me and that's what happened I took him down with me. Sure, Angel's death was hard on me but he wouldn't have wanted me to waste my time crying over him.

"Nah, he hasn't really. Makes me work over time. He didn't see ya though so it's fine Dix" He said, I sighed relieved. 

"I could always try to talk to him for you darling," I say looking up at him, his eyes widened at the thought. "It was merely a suggestion love, don't worry your little head about it, that's the last thing we need Tony" I say earning a chuckle from him. 

"Yeah well, don't need 'im to find out where ya are do we?" Angel asked.

I looked at him and shook my head. I heard him sigh and get up then he wrapped his many arms around me in a warm, needed, embrace. I sighed.

It wouldn't end well for me if he found out that the person that killed him was here, but after pulling a  stunt like that did he really think I would be sent to heaven? I mean sure it was an accident, but he's the one who grabbed me. The only person he can blame is himself. I wasn't intending on taking him down with me, it was just fate.

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