Power of the Zero

70 4 2

March 10th, 2032

[The book starts off with a light far distance peak of Houston. Many cars, many people. But in one building a see a fellow person named Mr. Jones. He is minding his talk on the phone]

Age: 47
Looks: Male, Bald, Brown Eyes, Tall
Worker at the head office
Hardworking, Leader, Risky

Mr. Jones
Alright, i'll talk to you later okay? I got lots of work to do, alright bye.

[Jones hangs up, he grabs his pen and grabs a paper and begins writing, but while that was happening he heard a strange noise in the hallway in front of him. Mr. Jones freezes and keeps his attention to the hallway. Mr. Jones try's to take a peak by getting up but then 2 people from behind puts ties him on his chair!]

Mr. Jones
What the! Who are you!? LET ME GO!

[The 2 people are unknown and has black masks on, Mr. Jones is now tied tight on his chair]

Mr. Jones
Let me go or i will call the police immediately!

That's not going to happen

[Mr. Jones looks in front of him and sees a guy wearing all black armor and a mask with red eyes]

Mr. Jones
Holy shit...

[Jones is shocked, he knows who this is]

Mr. Jones

Age: ???
Looks: ???
Professional Hunter & Solider
Dangerous, Skillful, Brave, Clever

Mr. Jones.

Mr. Jones
I thought you were dead... I saw you die on the street!

I'm gonna get strait to the point Jones, you know what i want

Mr. Jones
I don't know what your talking about

Dont fuck with me Jones! I want the Zero Power

[Jones chuckles]

Mr. Jones
I have that away months ago buddy, anyone on this earth could have it at this point

[Oxied grabs his dagger and puts it against Jones throat! Jones starts to breath heavily]

Where... is it?

Mr. Jones
I... don't know.

[Oxied is annoyed]

Mr. Jones
Your not gonna find it Oxied. That power is too powerful even for you! You can't hold a power with just wanting it. Your not suitable for it. So whoever your working for, tell him to fuck off!

[Oxied chuckles]

Your scared aren't you? Ah, my little friend, see you in hell

[Oxied slices Mr. Jones throat! Mr. Jones gags on his own blood, he can't move cause he's tied onto the chair, he tries he's best to move but he fails, and he dies]

And trust me. I am capable for the power.

[Oxied walks away leaving Mr. Jones dead corpse there]

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