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March 17th, 2032

[Its been 2 days every since what happened, we see the T.V turned on with the news]

News Reporter [From TV]
We have new breaking news coming from Texas Houston, top wanted criminal Doctor Mayhem is now in jail and is sentenced for life in jail! Who captured him you may ask? Well it was the trending boy all over the media, Renji! He captured Doctor Mayhem once and for all. But we are still currently looking for too wanted killer Oxied, who is still wondering around and killed many people during his help with Doctor Mayhem. It has been confirmed that he was mind controlled by him, but he still has committed crimes and has to be punished. Like it or not folks, but we might have a new protecter in our world, give it up for Zero Man, Renji

[We see Renji outside in a field practicing his powers, while he was going that, Syku walks ups]

Did you hear the news? Everyone is saying your now our protecter

I guess so man.

That's crazy... i'm friends with a superhero now

I wouldn't necessarily call me a superhero

What then?

[Renji has nothing]

A superhero

[They both laugh]

Hey man, thanks for helping me back there, you almost got yourself killed trying to distract Mayhem

No worry's man

Never assigning myself to a therapist again

[They both chuckle]

Hey man, where's Oxied?

I don't know... i'm gonna go and look for him now actually

[But before Renji goes and looks for Oxied, he looks at Syku, walks up to him and gives him a big hug, Syku hugs back, they let go and smile at each other]

Go and look for Oxied you superhero

[Renji chuckles]

Before i go, you might want to check your closet

What? Why?

[Renji winks at Syku and then flys away, Syku is confused. He goes to his house and checks his closet, and inside he finds a suitcase. Syku opens the suitcase, and inside is a costume!]

What the hell...?

[It has a note with it, Syku read the note and it says "Let's go kick ass - Renji" Syku smiles and jumps in happiness, Renji gave this costume to Syku for him to officially become his sidekick. Syku grabs the costume and puts it on, and he reveals himself in the costume. A black and white costume with a cape. Syku smiles. Cut to where we see Oxied! He's standing on top of a tower, just staring at the view. Then, Renji lands behind him, Oxied sighs in frustration]

How did you find me?

You know your still wanted right Oxied?

[Oxied sighs, Renji walks up to him]

Why are they still going to press punishment on me, i couldn't control it

I don't know man, i don't know

Maybe you could do something about it? You are a superhero after all

[Renji chuckles]


What are you gonna do now? Since your official a superhero to us

[Renji takes a deep breath]

Kick ass


Directed by Joqhr
Genre: Action, Science Fiction
Rated PG13
Published on August 13th, 2021
Inspired by Marvel Studios
Apart of the Joqhr Bookmatic Universe Phase One

RenjiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz