The King of Kings

28 2 0

March 15th, 2032

[Cut to where we see Renji, Doctor Ohlan, and Syku standing in front of a abandoned mansion

Doctor Ohlan
This is it, who ever is inside this mansion will help you

[Renji takes a deep breath]

Let's do it

[Renji slowly goes to the front door and opens it, it makes a creaking noise, when it fully opens, everything inside is dirty , full of dust, and stuff knocked over the place]


[They all go inside the mansion]

So, where is this guy?

Doctor Ohlan
Our best bet is to just look for him

[They walk around the mansion and they come across a 2 way path hallway]

Okay, i'll go the right, you two go to the left

Be careful

[Syku goes his way and Renji and Doctor Ohlan goes their way]

So, i spent hours coming over here to just find nothing but dust?

Doctor Ohlan
Don't give up yet Renji, he's here somewhere

[Renji looks and walks around the mansion and sees many weird things, weird objects like if they were from the 90's. But then, he comes across this picture frame on the wall. Renji eyes goes into full shock. It's a photo of Doctor Ohlan! He's wearing a blue science type costume. Renji realizes that this costume is the same costume as Doctor Mayhem]


Doctor Ohlan?

Why is there a picture here of you inside the Doctor Mayhem costume

[Doctor Ohlan starts to chuckle]

Doctor Ohlan?
Are you that stupid Renji?

[Renji is surely confused]

What is going on Ohlan?

Doctor Ohlan?
Im not Doctor Ohlan. Call me... Doctor Mayhem

[Then all of the sudden Doctor Ohlan starts floating! The Doctor Mayhem costume forms around his body. Doctor Ohlan was Doctor Mayhem this whole time]

Age: 60
Looks: Male, White old hair, Blue eyes, Glasses
Top Wanted Criminal
Dangerous, Secret, Clever, Unkind 


Doctor Mayhem
Don't you understand Renji? I was the King of Kings this whole time!

I- I don't understand...

Doctor Mayhem
I wasn't talking you somewhere to help
you. No! I was taking you somewhere to take you... your power for myself

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