The Power

16 2 0

March 14th, 2032

[We see Renji. He's looking at his hands wondering what the guy put inside of him body. Renji looks around and starts to feel a little bit dizzy. He's hearing ringing and his eye sight starts to get blurry. He tries to keep himself stable but, he falls down, Then Doctor Ohlan finds him!]

Doctor Ohlan

[Ohalan quickly goes to Renji and tries to wake Renji up]

Doctor Ohlan
Hey! Renji wake up boy! What happened?!

[Renji is too dizzy to talk]

Doctor Ohlan
Here reach out your hand, i'll check your pulse

[Renji reaches out his hand, but he does something else that's very shocking, he makes a trash can beside them move without even touching it, Doctor Ohlan is shocked, Renji has Psychokinesis, known as Telekinesis]

Doctor Ohlan
Oh god...

[Cut to where we see Renji on his bed, it's been one day. It's March 15th, 2032, Renji opens his eyes little by little, he gets up and has a little headache, beside him is Doctor Ohlan waiting for him
to get up]

What happened...?

Doctor Ohlan
The person who you ever selling weed too, even though you supposedly stopped, has put something in your body

What the hell happened to me Ohlan...?

[Doctor Ohlan sighs]

Doctor Ohlan
He hold your hand and he transported a power into your veins, spreading all across to your heart and brain

[Renji starts to panick]

What the hell happened to me Ohlan? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME!!?

Doctor Ohlan
Hey hey hey calm down man.

[Renji calms down]

What do i have inside of me...?

Doctor Ohlan
You have the Power or the Zero in you Renji


Doctor Ohlan
The Power of the Zero is no game. This power was formed by a ancient god back in the day, he formed it so he can heal his planet called Widow. He wanted to use his telekinesis to form it up again, but ended up releasing it to the wild, it came to earth, it went to person to person, and seems like your the most recent person to get it transported

[Renji is speechless]

Doctor Ohlan
This power is extreme but dangerous to ahold

[Renji looks at his hands and stands up slowly. He reaches out his hand and tries to move
his desk without touching it, and he succeeded. Renji smiles in shock]

Holy shit. This is sick! I have to tell Syku about this!

Doctor Ohlan
This is not sick at all Renji. Your basically a target right now for a power that was from the ancient gods. Many people are after this power, many hunters, many aliens, many things

[Renji rethinks]

We have to get this power out of me

Doctor Ohlan
I agree, how did you exactly get it?

He just grabbed the same of my arm, and he hold tight, and i felt something going up my veins, and my eyes like... changed color... i felt like i was something, different

Doctor Ohlan
Well your eyes did change color

Really? That's awesome

Doctor Ohlan
The only way to get rid of this is to give it to a other person

But if i give it to a other person it's just gonna keep on spreading and spreading

Doctor Ohlan
That's exactly why i might know someone who can destroy it

[Cut to where we see the police in the same alley that Renji got his powers, a security guard saw the footage on a security camera and calls the police, we see 2 police men watching the footage]

Police Man
What do you think happened to him? He's like screaming and shit

Police Man #2
I don't know... all we know that he was doing some dealing with this kid

[But in the distance, we see someone watching from the side, it was Oxied. Oxied puts zooms his eye sight onto the screen to see what happens. Oxied watches the footage, and he now knows that Renji has the power]


[Oxied now goes after Renji]

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