Upon the Tunnel

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March 15th, 2032

[We see Renji, Doctor Ohlan, and Syku entering the tunnel]

I have a bad feeling about this... where are we?

Doctor Ohlan
People call it the Tunnel of Upon. We have to go through this to reach the King of Kings, and we can cure Renji

Why can't we just take the car? Drive through it

Doctor Ohlan
This tunnel destroys any metal it sees, very risky to do that

Okay... let's get this over with

[Doctor Ohlan activates a flashlight and they start walking through it]

Doctor Ohlan
We need to stick together, we can not get separated

[In the distance, we see Oxied, about to follow them. They walk through the tunnel slowly, it's very dark and very silent, all they hear is each other's footsteps and breathing. Then, Syku hears something behind them, Syku quickly turns around]

Uh guys, did you hear something?

Syku we don't got time for this!

I swear I heard someone walking behind us

Doctor Ohlan
It's probably just the wind, this tunnel is very silent after all

[But Syku still isn't convinced]

Doctor Ohlan
I swear Renji if you don't get your friend i'm gonna leave him here

Syku let's go!


[Syku squits his eyes, and sees red eyes glowing and it's heading towards them! It's Oxied!]

Oh shit. RUN!

[Syku, Ohlan, and Renji begins running through this tunnel as fast as possible, but Oxied gets closer and closer to them. Oxied takes out a grappler, throws it and grabs Renji's leg]

Let me go you piece of shit!

[Renji uses his power to let go! Renji sees Oxied in the distance, Oxied grabs a blind grenade and throws it at Renji, but luckily Renji quickly uses his telekinesis and throws the grenade back at Oxied before it goes off. It explodes it Oxied's face and it blinds him for a bit]

Doctor Ohlan
Renji let's go!

[Renji uses this advantage to run. Oxied can see now, and he activates his boosters and runs towards them even faster. Syku looks around for a weapon to slow down Oxied, he looks behind him and sees a huge piece of metal that was destroyed from the tunnel. Oxied gets closer and closer to them but then Syku grabs the metal and hits Oxied in the face! Oxied falls down, and his masks also knocks off! But we can not see what he looks like yet. Oxied grabs his helmet and quickly puts it on. Then Oxied runs back to them and catches up to Renji!]

You guys run! I'll take care of Oxied!

[Syku and Doctor Ohlan runs, Renji tries to talk to Oxied]

Look Oxied! This isn't you!

[Oxied just ignores him and keeps trying to kill him, every punch he throws Renji blocks it. Then Renji notices something on his neck. He sees a chip on his neck. Holy hell, he is being mind controlled!]

Holy hell... I was right!

[Renji tries to talk to Oxied one last time]

Look Oxied! Your being mind controlled by Doctor Mayhem to get the Zero Power! Snap out of it!

Shut up.

[But Oxied still doesn't listen and keeps on trying to kill Renji]

You gave me no choice

[Then Renji uses his telekinesis to pick up Oxied from the ground, and throws him all the way back at the beginning of the tunnel! Renji is relived. But then he looks down and sees he's floating! Renji can fly!]

Holy shit... I can fly! I can freaking fly!

[Renji fly's back to Syku and Doctor Oxied]

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