Mr. Silver X Reader 2

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You had been on many adventures with Captain Amelia and Silver being there for all of them too you thought something was wrong with you when you started to fall for him. Amelia knowing you from previous times figured you'd like to be in the galley away from the others first time you met Silver your heartbeat quickened then Morph distracted you wanting to play. Silver told you Morph wouldn't harm you he just liked meeting new people wanting to make friends along the way of course when neither of you were in the galley Silver wanted to get to know Amelias favorite troublemaker. It did not take long for Scroop to hate you, but Silver liked what he was learning he even shared some things about him with you it was only fair you loved his stories from other adventures. You both had confessed halfway through the journey that you loved the other Silver was relieved and happy you felt the same it warmed his heart. Today was another journey ending though, and Silver and you were the last ones to be dropped off at a spaceport/planet Silver was looking for you then Morph came rushing to him to tell him you were on deck towards the front of the ship. "There ya are lass, trying to hide from me are ya?" Silver teases standing beside you and casually takes your hand you giggled "no love, I just can't wait to be home until the next journey..." You say tiredly. "Aye, I understand that feeling all too well but I was wondering something..." He starts "Morphy and I was wonderin if you'd want to come live with us?" He asks softly. You look at him slightly confused "really? I-I wouldn't want to impose..." You say starting to get flustered like you did when you locked eyes with him "I insist love" he tells you before giving you a light kiss. Which just made the butterflies you got around him worse Amelia was at the helm with Arrow and snickered it was cute seeing you nervous for once "nothing could make me happier" Silver tells you. "I'd love too John, I-I do owe a visit to my sister and nephew eventually though..." You tell him "well I don't plan on keepin ya hidden forever, just wanting some time with you to myself" he says taking both your hands in his.

"And I won't oppose to that time" you reply "good, well lets head home shall we?" He asks you nodded adjusting your bag on your shoulder "as long as Morph stays out of my Terran Plant we're fine" you say glaring at the pink blob. "Well how was he supposed to know what it was?" Silver asks "he wasn't even supposed to find it, how do you think I stay so calm?" You ask back he sighs but chuckles "it's rude to not share" he jokes. "Whatever Silver, so how far is home?" You asked him "a bit of a walk, but I have company it'll go by quickly" he says taking your hand in his you smile slightly and lean on him "never thought I'd steal a Pirates heart" you say sweetly and slightly sarcastic sounding "never thought I'd steal a thiefs heart" he replies kissing the back of your hand. You blushed slightly and looked away "it's sweet seein you so flustered over me" he teases "shut yer face Silver..." You growl but he isn't intimidated by it "love it isn't scary unless ye have a gun pointed to me" he says getting you to look at him as he stops you both. "Every second I'm with ya I fall even harder for you, I've never meant much to anyone but you think the universe of me" he says sincerely "well Silver you're amazing, all your stories your cooking is amazing too" you tell him holding a hand to his cheek. "And you're so caring towards me I-Ive only been in one relationship and it didn't work out but with you it feels right" you added looking into his eyes "I swear yer makin me go soft..." He mutters looking off to the side. You giggled "you aren't going soft because of me John" you tell him "you went soft because of Morph" you tease Morph chirps in protest that it's not true Silver chuckled "Morphys right, it isn't because of him" he answers for his little pink friend before proceeding to walk on with you. "The sunsets nice, lets hope we reach home before dark" you tell him "oh it isn't too much farther love, just down this old dirt path" he says calmly you nodded far enough from people, I like it" you tell him. Then a small house was coming into view "and there she is, it's not much but it's home to me and Morphy as well as our new addition" he says taking your hand to kiss the back of it again.

"How are you so sweet and loving? Seriously, you're murderin me bit by bit John" you tell him "despite what I've been through me mother raised me with common sense" he says digging his key from his inside jacket pocket. "Yet you're a pirate" You tease as he unlocks the door "just because I'm a pirate doesn't mean I'm a savage" he chuckles allowing you to enter first you sniffed the air "it smells like cinnamon..." You start. "Oh it's my plant on this window sil there" he says guiding you to the front room with a love seat, a large chair, and a fireplace with a large window and a few plants like he said "that dark red one there is the cinnamon one, but let me take your bag love" he offers. "Oh, sure" you say handing it to him following him hesitantly "restrooms there..." He starts pointing to a door to the left "then this is ours" he says calmly as he sets your bag on the bed. "Definitely feels like a home" you say giving him a side hug and he returns it "indeed it does, now hows about to celebrate your stay I make dinner?" he suggests you giggle "you do the same thing at home?" You ask "well it's my specialty of course I do" he says following you out of the room and to the kitchen. "Would you like any help?" You offer "no no you're my guest, but you can keep me company" he says as Morph rushes to a hammoc in the corner of the kitchen and gets cozy. "Sure, I can do that John" you say with a smile taking one of the barstools on the other side of a counter and having a seat "you know I am morbidly curious about somethin though love..." John starts "yes?" You ask curious. "What... what made me appeal to ye?" He asks facing away from you and you blushed looking away "I-Its embarrassing..." You say he stops and glances back at you. "I won't laugh, I want to know" he says gently turning back to you with a small glass of an amber colored liquid "and whiskey is how you plan to make me tell you?" You teasingly ask "Oh I know it wasn't rum in that flask" he replies you giggle "it's gonna sound stupid...maybe a different day..." You say looking away again. "Hey..." He says softly before making you look at him "I won't laugh, to me you're the most wonderful young lass I've ever met and you understand where I come from you understand me" he tells you before going back to his stove.

You sighed "fine" you huffed "you being a pirate does not deter me from how I see you, you by far are the sweetest most kind hearted man I've ever met and you've showed so many times that you care and I-I may have seen how you look at me... it's different, good different though" you confessed. "Really?" He questions clearly up to something "and how do I look at you?" He asks curious "you looked interested, and...i-in love a little..." You hesitantly say "you aren't wrong, the moment Amelia brought you on board you were somethin beautiful then getting to know you I fell for ya hard" he says walking back over to you holding his real hand to your cheek. You flinched slightly at the sudden contact but leaned into his touch "I love you" he says before kissing you making you freeze but returning his affection "I love you too" you replied slightly breathless and pink in the cheeks as you looked away. He chuckled going back to work "and seein you flustered is down right adorable" he teases knowing you hate being told you're adorable "oh bugger off Silver..." You huffed "go take a seat in the front room love I'll be there shortly" he tells you and you nodded taking your whiskey with you. You steal the love seat and look around as you take a sip and Silver joins you as you take another sip "here ya are love" he says gently as he hands you your mug bowl. "Thank you Johnny" you tell him "you're welcome love" he replies as he gestures for you to try it first and you gladly did so it smelled amazing you felt like your entire body got the warmest most loving hug ever. "John it's amazing, this is better than what you've made on the Legacy" you tell him genuinely excited "oh hush, yer just sayin that" he says even though he knows his cooking is amazing. "Oh you know it's amazing John quite being so humble for once" you tease back he chuckled "aye ye caught me" he says faking he was defeated after dinner you went to take your bowl to the kitchen but John stopped you "oh no ye don't, you're my guest I'll take care of these..." He says semi sternly. You held your bowl behind your back in protest "well since I'm your guest the least I could do is help" you replied continuing on. Then Morph swipes it from you bringing it back to Silver. "Ha, even Morphy knows" he teases you sigh "technically you cheated" you hint "aye, but I am a Pirate" he replies knowing he's still right you sighed again "fine, I give" you admit defeated.

"Since you've been around the universe a time or two, what do you know of Flints trobe?" Silver asks as he does the dishes you sighed "unfortunately that's what I've been after for a long time, I promised my parents but they died trying to find it" you say with already watery eyes looking away from him. "I...I went through something similar as well love, hardships and pain" he says with a sigh as he turns around you quickly wipe your eyes hopeful he didn't catch your tears. "Oh Y/N, I saw that..." He says sincerely "no tears, not today love" he says softly taking both of your hands in his "I only ask because I may have found a way to it, but we'll speak of that in the mornin" he says gently holding a hand to your cheek and you put your little hands over his keeping it there. "It's sickening how much you care" you say with a slight laugh "like I've been tellin ya love, I may be a pirate but I'm not heartless" he says before giving you a light kiss "hence my feelins for ya" he says with a wink. "But what about the trobe? Why did you ask what I know?" You asked "tomorrow love, let's rest on it alright?" He asks softly you nodded and followed him to the bedroom you wondered what he had planned.

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