Hook X Reader

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You had a very, lets say an eventful past with Captain James Hook lovers if you will but once those boys came along with Peter you were trying to protect them from James. One night when an argument had broken out between you two and Smee trying to calm you both then you got hit directly under your eye causing you to stumble back. There was dead silence after the hit James did look horrified once it clicked what just happened, he'd never dream of hitting you and that's what you used to believe before you ran off the ship after docking ages ago. Running into the night and taking the boys offer to live with them after that, Peter was the only one who saw the black eye of course he asked if you were okay you said you ran into a low branch while racing Tinkerbell running vs flying he laughed a little and said he was glad you're okay. But Tinkerbell overhearing this called bullshit she confronted you while you were alone she couldn't believe James did that she was the only one you really could tell anything too. Then a week later Smee was sent by your boyfriend to capture Tinkerbell, for he knew how close you two were he sobbed his heart out to her regretting everything he did he also realized you were right about the topic of the argument. And Tink sighed, she knew 100% he was very sorry, really loved you, and he needed you now more than ever and even though Tink did tell you about this and you refused. She came up with the plot to get this new girl Jane kidnapped apparently Wendy's daughter and once Peter found out she was kidnapped all of you were on it. James knew it would work as did Tink but not to the point where you were pissed and wasn't at all suspicious about this trick played upon you.

You, The Lost Boys, And Peter were in a stand off with Hook, his crew, and Jane tied up and being held by a worrying Smee. "Ye heard me Pan! Give me Y/N and you'll get you're beloved Wendy" Hook growled you sigh "Peter just let me go" you choke out as him and the boys literally cling to your arms and legs. "No! You can't Y/N w-well find a way...you can't" he sobs into your shoulder making your eyes water more you then delicately slip out of there grasps stepping forward "alright James, I'm yours let the girl go" you say fighting tears. He holds out his hooked hand to you with a soft smile you sigh blushing and looking away before taking his hand then he twirls you to his side wrapping his arm around you. Peter clears his throat "alright Hook, you have my friend now let Jane go" he says trying not to sob Smee gently walks Jane over and sighs as he walks back to Hooks side. "Pleasure doing business with you Peter, come on Lads i have what i want let's head back to the ship" James says happily as he's taking you to the rowboats on the bank and of course seats you with him before clasping your ankles and wrists in chains. He chuckles "sorry me dear nothing personal, just need to make it a tad harder for you to fly my pretty bird" he cooes you roll your eyes and sigh looking away from him. "Why couldn't you just leave me alone?" You whisper "because i love you, you need to forgive me i didn't mean what happened..." You scoot away from him "i heard that many times before James, it never lasted long" you say flatly trying not to cry.

He sighed and pulled out a handkerchief holding out for you and you aggressively swipe it from him annoyed but grateful. He smiles a little hopeful you hate him less there was a smidge of a difference in your heart but on the surface you would kill him. He was grateful this plan worked out all thanks to Tinkerbell but they agreed to not tell you the truth for a bit longer he takes you aboard and to his quarters "for the record i still don't forgive you" you tell him as you sit by the cabins window he sighs. "I am very sorry my love, you were right you always are" he says sweetly as he sits at his piano playing yours and his song your eyes widened a little he smirks slightly knowing you can't stay mad if he plays this. "James i know what you are doing and it is not going to work..." You say flatly as he chuckles "i see the smile me dear" he hints you sigh "you really hurt me" you tell him "i know and i don't know how i can make it up to you but i want to" he says standing from the piano making his way to you "I don't know if you can James" he sighs "please you don't know how much you mean to me Y/N this i would like to be the last chance you give me" he pleads. You still keep your eyes away from him "please darling i beg of you" he says taking one of your hands "last chance James and i mean it" you say looking over to him he smiles in relief "oh thank you i swear on me life i shall make it up to you" he says. You sigh before kissing him "i hate that i can never stay mad at you" you mutter looking away "perhaps it is because I've never truly angered you like deep down angered you" he says sitting beside you taking your hand but you scoot close against him seeking comfort.

He smiles and wraps an arm around you holding you against him "can you play our song again?" You shyly ask he chuckles "of course me dear" he softly replies before going to the piano. "Remember what i used to tell you when you were sad?" He asks smiling slightly you smile slightly as you walk over to him "i never forgot it" you reply swaying to the music making him smile "when you weep the angels weep with you, even the demons weep but when you smile everyone's days get brighter than the last" you smile looking away from him. He chuckles as he finishes the song "happy now?" He asks "maybe..." You tease he sighs but smiles "I'll take that as a yes" he says taking your hand. You lean on him wrapping your arms around his arm he sighs "you know I hadn't a clue of what I've done till it clicked once i saw your face" he says "i love you" you tell him giving his arm a squeeze "i knew you didn't mean to do what you did..." You admit. He smiles "i love you too me dear, please let's never fight again it's always over something pointless..." You giggle "true it usually was can you play our song one more time?" You ask as he nods and begins to play again.

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