(Human) Tamatoa X Reader

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You are a mermaid that can shift between human and Mermaid at will much like Tamatoa who can go from Crab to human you were close friends with him. And fell in love with him a crush your other best friend Maui knew about for a long time before he decided you needed to tell Tamatoa how you felt. He didn't know how Tamatoa really felt about you but knew he liked you as a best friend obviously Tama hated seeing you anything but his happy little Mer-thing. Maui started the Mer-thing thing as a joke you scared the hell out of him by leaping out of the water the first time you met he exclaimed "what kind of mer thing are you?" Your appearance could change with razor sharp teeth when you were in the water hunting. But Mer-Thing did become your nickname, Tamatoa was Tama and Maui was Mau Mau when Maui introduced Tamatoa to you it was a match made in heaven you had a few interests in common that had hours worth to talk about. Not that you didn't have things in common with Maui but with Tama it was like you'd known him for years tonight you and Tama were getting together to paint a mural of an ocean environment combining your guys's art styles and stay the night with him because he's fun. First you went to an old island to pick some fresh fruit to bring seafood wasn't what you wanted all the time you had a little sleeping mat and blanket you were bringing too. You raced to Tamas with all your tailfins might excited for tonight and you were finally going to tell Tamatoa how you felt and you had a surprise for him. There was a little island you stayed on with Maui you both had your own little huts and there was a huge field of flowers you made paints with the flowers and you picked some yellow ones. Grinding them up then boiling some water with it then with your magic you harnessed the gleam the sun would reflect on the water and created a golden sparkly shiny paint.

You thought it was perfect for the mural for some of the sea life possibly you switched to your human form before landing in the realm of monsters you weren't far from Tamas. As you walked you made sure you had everything "oh hey Mer-Thing" Maui teases as he exits Tamas you giggled "Mau Mau! You chirped jumping onto your friend as he hugs you. "You guys have to show me the painting when you're done" Maui says setting you down "don't worry Maui you'll be the first to see it" Tama says slowly walking up to the entrance of his home. "Hi Tama" you say innocently as you approach your other friend "hello beautiful" he says before kissing your cheek "you two have fun, duty calls" Maui says before turning into a giant hawk. Tamatoa chuckled "come on Mer-Thing you're with me" he says putting an arm around you pulling you inside you giggled "so what has my little Mer-thing been up to today?" He asks before falling back onto a giant purple pillow bed of course with golden decals and stitching in a corner of the large room filled with treasure. "Oh not much, I brought some Mangos and Bananas...I made a few more paints too" you tell him "oh that's great babe" he says "I-I made this one for you..." You start shyly as you take out the little coconut container. "For me?" He questions sitting up you nodded handing it to him he opend the lid on it and gasps breathless the fact it shined so bright and so sparkly "Y/N it's beautiful, you made this?" He asks amazed you nodded a little flustered and flattered. "You are a wonder, thank you now it's only fair I have something for you too" he says pulling you to the bed "you sit here and keep your eyes closed" he says booping your nose you nodded and closed your eyes as he wandered off for a moment. You slightly open an eye "ah! I see that" Tama warns holding something behind him you quickly shield your eyes with your hands "alright, you can open them now..." He says holding a sparkly hip skirt that matched your actual skirt and your shirt. "Tamatoa its beautiful, where did you find this?" You asked "I found it in a sunken ship, it's how I got this cape thing a-and it was your colors babe..." He says gently you didn't know what came over you but you quickly kissed your friend in thanks.

But then you realized what you were doing and pulled away just as quickly he stood there surprised at you for a moment "I-I'Im sorry Tamatoa I-I don't know why I did that..." You say embarrassed and leaving the edge of the bed. "You kissed me babe" he says slightly intrigued "that was...brave of you" he compliments calmly "now what made you do that I wonder?" He questions as he turns around as you keep your back to him. "You can't take back what you did, is there something you need to tell me?" He asks walking to be in front of you as you avoid his eyes "tsk tsk Y/N, what is it?" He asks in a what did you do tone like he knows what your hiding. "You'd just laugh at me, I should go" you say coldly he notices there is something deeply emotional you're hiding from him "what? Are you in love with ol Tamatoa or something?" He asks with a chuckle. He noticed you stayed quiet "Y/N, are you in love with me?" He asks getting you to look at him he sees it in your eyes at that point you haven't looked at him the same in awhile. You looked more lovestruck when you locked eyes with Tama "you mean you wouldn't rather be with someone like Maui?" He questions "no, I love you" you tell him taking his hands in yours. "I'm tired of hiding it, even if you don't feel the same Tama I felt I needed to tell you" you say shyly he smiles softly then he gets an idea he decides to kiss you back you let out a squeak and froze "I love you too babe, I'll keep you I think" he says with a wink you blush slightly and hide your face against his chest. He chuckles "oh you're too cute sometimes" he says smothering you with a hug "but your mine now beautiful, and I intend on spoiling my girl" he says before kissing your cheek. "Oh Tama you don't need to do that gold never looked good on me..." You start he gasped horrified "don't say that babe, seeing you all shiny and sparkly is beautiful" he tells you.

"Come on Tama..." You start with a giggle "don't you dare try to change my mind Y/N... you're more beautiful than all my treasure" he tells you "I am?" You question he nods "no force on earth could change my mind about that" he says taking your hands in his holding them close to his heart. "I didn't know you could be so sweet Tamatoa" you tell him before kissing his cheek "don't go telling the entire realm now" he said faking being angry with you. "I won't, I promise" you say offering to pinky swear on it he chuckles and takes the offer "especially Maui, I don't need to hear it from him" Tama warns you "okay, no Maui either" you tell him before tying the hip skirt around your waist. "Perfect, it looks beautiful on you" he tells you before pulling you close "I love you so much babe, I wouldn't trade you for anyone else" he says smothering you in a hug. You giggled "I love you too Tama" you replied "now, I wouldn't mind another go at those tempting lips of yours" he hints letting you go but lifting your chin wearing a smirk. Pink dusted your cheeks you just nodded yes with an embarrassed smile "oh, Tamatoa can make you blush can he?" He teases you huff and playfully hit him "don't make me regret this Tamatoa" you hiss he rolls his eyes pulling you into a kiss getting his arms around your waist.

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