Chapter 28: "There's been a Kid Napping at School!"

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Time passed, and eventually everyone returned to their homes in Tokyo, even Haruhi who wanted to get a head start on the second semester.

Now back at home, Setsuko had decided to visit with her brother. The two of them were sitting in the hospital room, Setsuko recounting what happened during the trip, and Kojiro listening intently. Of course, she conveniently left out the fact that she had encountered the stalker. Though by the look on his face, Setsuko knew that he knew something was up, but he didn't utter a word about it and just listened to her talk- butting in every once in a while, to share his opinion.

As they visited, the TV in the room was playing the news, "In the past week, two teen girls have gone missing, and there has yet been any reports of them." The reporter was saying on each side of her, two pictures of the missing girls appeared, both of them smiling widely unaware of what was going to happen to them. "In these current times, I advise everyone to keep an eye out for 15-year-old Nakamura Himari, and 16-year-old Chidori Kaiya. Any information regarding the missing girls could help in the search, please do not hesitate to call this number." A number flashed on the screen as images of the two girls cycled through, showing the bright smile of Kaiya, and the long scar that graced Himari's shoulder.

"Those poor girls." Setsuko muttered.

"You need to be careful too, those girls look a lot like you." Kojiro said, reaching forwards and placing a hand on Setsuko's. "Or at least, a lot like Momoko."

"That's just coincidence. Look, I'll be fine, I look nothing like either of them right now so I'm sure I'm not targeted." Setsuko said pulling her hand away from her brother's. "You don't need to worry. Besides, if I were to suddenly go missing, there are some influential families that will notice. One of them has his own police force." She grinned and stood up, grabbing her bag from the chair it was hanging on, "Worry about your own recovery, okay, Ko-ko."

Kojiro tensed, "Hey, I thought I told you not to call me that!"

Setsuko stepped away and stuck out her tongue before turning to head out, "I have to get to training, I'll see you later."

"Yeah... see you later." Kojiro said, watching as his little sister walked out of the room and out of his sight. He looked back at the TV, which had moved on from the slideshow of the two girls to the weather. Both of the girls had light brown hair and blue eyes, almost replicas of Momoko. "Please stay safe, you dumbass." He muttered.


"Tell them... huh." Setsuko muttered, tapping the end of her pen on her desk. She was looking over a notebook which she noted details she needed to remember for her performances, dances she needed to practice, parts of songs that were a little pitchy, and anything like that. But she was having a hard time focusing on what she had written.

Kojiro had a point earlier, both of those girls looked a lot like Momoko. Brown hair and blue eyes were uncommon in Japan mostly found in foreigners or halfers, so it was obvious the two of them were targeted.

She leaned back, could it be... him? To escalate from stalking to kidnapping? She thought, chills running up her spine. If that were the case, this man was more unhinged than she ever believed him to be.

Maybe telling he host club would be a good idea, right now, the idea of stepping outside of the mansion while he was still out there made her stomach twist and a cold sweat run down the back of her neck. If the host club knew she'd have more protection, but she didn't want to be treated like some helpless maiden by some of them.

Maybe... maybe she needed some different kind of training. She closed her notepad and reached for her phone before flipping it open and dialing a number. It rang a few times before the person on the other side answered.

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