f i f t e e n -

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Silence. A comfortable one.

The food is almost eaten, it is 12:31 a.m., everyone is settling down their chairs, some talking quietly others just enjoying the food. The suns' rays have entered through the windows and now illuminate the entire kitchen. 

I can feel the warmth they produce, thought Dea. There is also not a single cloud, the sky is clear blue. Is interesting that she likes it, she usually loves the bad weather. When the sun is nowhere to be seen, the grayish clouds covering almost the blue sky...

"Are you done, Dea?"

She forgot she is not alone, Ha-Joon had asked her a question.


He nods and continues with finishing his toast. Hyun-Shik has also come to the table, thought Dea. He hasn't been showing himself much. Dea has caught him a few times just standing near the door of the room he is staying in, looking, observing quietly, and then going back inside. It made Dea wonder what he was doing.

After a few seconds of thinking, Ha-Joon gets up saying. "Since you're done with your breakfast," He pauses as he put the chair back in place. ", you can come with me on the veranda."

It is not a request, more like a command. Dea obeys him anyway before putting her chair in place. Giga lookup by the sound of chair scraping, she sympathizes with her, its gaze did not leave the small figure until they are outside. Then she quickly goes back to eating, looking Jeon-Hyun is concentrated on his second plate with now almost eaten kimchi.

As soon as they step out a packet of cigarettes is in his hand immediately and soon the smoke is coming out of his mouth. The smell is by amperring the two and is mixed with the scent of petrichor. It is an interesting aroma. Dea takes a seat on the rigid chair which almost looks broken, she crouches on it as it slightly cracks. Ha-Joon not once glances at her, lost somewhere in the distance. Now as she lifts her head or even stares straight she can see a few small clouds and the sun hiding behind them from time to time.

"I had been smoking too much lately." He announces and whirls his head a bit to just take a peek at her. They share short eye contact and he turns back ahead.

The silence is surprisingly comfortable for both of them. Des does not remember when she started feeling okay with being locked in the house, away from the world. It's not like she is locked, right? She can go out on the veranda or the yard, she is not chained somewhere...

It does not feel like being a prisoner.

''Tell me, Dea, is it better to be with me than with the others?''

She gulps down her saliva. ''I-I don't know...'' Her voice hardly there.

He comes and bends down to her level. Grabbing her wrists as she straight up her body, still fearing him. His thumbs caressing her hands. He asks again. ''Is it?''

''I d-don't know.'' Dea is not sure, yes she does not have to go to school then think about college and all the stress that might come, her abusive parents and the hospital are also away from her... ''M-Maybe...''

The smile on his face quickly shows up. "Good." By mumbling to himself he sits on the chair. There is a small glass table between them. "Do you want a coffee or tea?"

Dea shakes her head. "Okay then. I'll come back with a coffee for myself." He announced as he gets up and leaves.

Dea leans on the chair and waits.


Hey, it's me Dea again. Today is Friday and I decided to write something. Those white pages are so boring and I want them to be filled with... just with something.

I had a great time with Ha-Joon, he was drinking a green tea with lemon on the veranda with me. Though we both were just sitting in silence it was peaceful.

Later the day I ate kimchi, drank juice, slept a little bit. Then, my period came and I cried, it was not because of the pain but because it came. It was not supposed to...

Also, Ha-Joon mentioned that he wanted to take a walk with me in the small forest.

12:45, 31st August, Friday

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