A Deal Was Struck

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Chapter 7

A Deal Was Struck

I slept well once I knew that Wesley had left and I promised myself that I would be in Sarah’s debt. As morning finally came, I pushed back the thick blanket from Sarah’s bed and climbed onto mine.

“Sarah…Sarah…wake up.” I coaxed as I tapped her leg. She was still asleep…or so I thought.

After a full minute of no response from Sarah I turned her onto her back to further rouse her. I gasped at the sight of her almost blue face. Her lips were slightly cracked and her eyes seemed dead. The only sign that she was still alive was the short labored breaths she took. I immediately took her into my arms and began to shake her.

“Sarah?! What happened? What do I do?” I cried.

Her only response was her neck slumping to the side from her inability to hold her own head up. The surprises kept coming as her light-colored hair had exposed her skin, I noticed bite marks upon her neck. There was dried blood around the puncture wounds and for some reason a chill ran down my back at the thought that Wesley had done this…and that he was going to do it to me. I couldn’t help but notice that she also had bite marks that trailed down to her breasts which were exposed from her torn nightdress. There were more puncture wounds surrounded by purple bruises, I could never imagine the feeling of receiving these marks. I could no longer look at them any longer, I grabbed the bed sheet to cover her and provide some privacy even after already seeing her small breasts. How could he have been so cruel to her tender skin? She gave herself so willingly to this monster, she cried his name in pleasure, and all the while he was desecrating her body.

I laid her head upon my pillow gently as her breathing became too much to bear to listen to. I ran to the only person who might help me, her brother Michael.  The grass swept past my nightgown as I swiftly made it to the stable.

“Michael!” I struggled to call out his name from shortness of breath.

He quickly emerged from one of the horse’s stalls, wearing only a thin pair of britches. His body was perfection, it was almost hard to remember the reason I came. Once he saw it was I who called to him he was by my side in no time.

“Kat, what’s wrong?” He questioned my urgency. His worry was evident, it’s not every day that I run to him in a nightgown

As I explained what his sister had done for me he seemed relieved that I was okay but outraged about his sister’s condition.

“Do you know how we can help her? Why did Wesley bite her?” I asked. The questions were driving me out of my mind and they would continue to do so till they were answered. Things were not making sense.

“I’m sorry but I cannot explain it to right now…you’re not ready to know yet...Come on let’s tend to Sarah.” He said.

I followed him out of the stable and began to ask what it was that I wasn’t ready to know but both of us stopped in our tracks once we saw Wesley waiting.

“Katarzyna, my pet, you are begging to be punished. I have warned you and you have not heeded my words.” He spoke.

Michael stepped in front of me, blocking Wesley’s piercing gaze. He must have heard my fearful thoughts.

“What have you done to Sarah?” Michael yelled in Wesley’s direction.

His guilt was nonexistent; in fact he began to laugh at Michael’s discontent. There was some history, some bad blood between these two that existed before I came along. Once his laughter subsided he presented Michael with a deal.

“Why whatever do you mean? She practically begged for it…I may have overindulged. I’ll make you a bargain, the girl for your sister.” Wesley waited for Michael’s response.

Michael turned to me with an expression that was pained. How could I ask him to choose between his sister’s life or me?

As much as I hated Wesley, I couldn’t let someone die for me. It was just my body that Wesley wanted and that is all I would ever give, for my heart would forever be Michael’s. I stepped away from Michael and started towards my master.

“Kat?” Michael asked, the hurt was clear in his tone.

I turned to him. “I won’t let Sarah die, Michael.”

Wesley held his arms out for me and I went to him.

“That’s a good girl.” He commented as he reached for my behind and clutched it tightly.

Michael spit on the ground in disgust. His muscular arms were now tightly wrapped against his chest. How I wished that it was his arms that I was in. Just the thought of Wesley touching me intimately made want to vomit…violently.

Michael began to chuckle. “Doesn’t it bother you that she would rather have me bedding her than you?”

Wesley’s smug look turned serious. He knew the truth and that I would be with Michael in an instant if it weren’t for his interference. But his dismay only lasted a second; my refusal wouldn’t get in his way.

“Ah but Michael won’t it bother you more as you hear her being bedded by me…to hear her screams…of pleasure. I shall make sure to leave my window open so you may ravish in the sounds of our bedroom activity.”

“Enough! You’ll save Sarah in return?” I cried. It was not my intent to make Michael miserable but what was I to do, I was a house maid at the mercy of this beastly tyrant.

“Of course I will, my pet. You needn’t worry about it, I will tend to her and in return, you shall tend to me in my chambers.” He demanded my obedience and I was a servant to his will. I nodded my head and the evil glint in his grey eyes was more intense than ever.

I heard a loud growl escape the lips…of Michael. It caught me off guard as I looked his way. He was becoming red with anger and his chest was heaving at a fast rate. He made eye contact with me once more before storming off, his green eyes were watering from his rage. He ran into the woods at an inhuman speed. His blonde hair left my sight swiftly.

My heart began to ache within my chest. It was like I was feeling my feelings and his feelings at the same time, which included despair and anger.

Wesley let go of my behind and wrapped his arm around my waist, urging me to head in the direction of the manor.

“You will serve the meals and do your daily chores; I will tend to Sar-… I mean the other maid as I promised.” He instructed me.

I nodded and remained silent.

“And tonight after supper, you will retire to my chamber…and into my bed.” He whispered in my ear as we entered the back entrance.

My blood ran cold at the thought of having to pleasure the monster that had savagely bedded my friend…but it was my duty.

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