Jamie is good with Numbers. I'm good with Languages.

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It was so dark out the only real light we had was traffic lights switching from green to yellow to red.

Jamie and Ezra were sleeping in the back, Alex was fighting the urge to sleep by slapping herself awake even though I told her it was okay to sleep. In the past 2 days, she has teleported me from school to the hospital, jumped out of a building, ran away from monsters, hot-wired a car and drove it, found A new member of the team, dealt with her two dads, and was still trying to stay awake. All I have done was put my two closest friends in danger, and got hit in the head with a dodgeball. Eventually, Alex stopped fighting the urge and finally went to sleep.

I started to think of my dad. I was the least likely to be his son. I mean I was so fragile and got hurt so easily. I thought if I was his son I would be immune to pain And strong. I was weak, I was sensitive, I was a broken boy.

I could see Jamie through the rear-view mirror, slowly waking up I could tell he had a hard time sleeping because his eyes were bloodshot.

"So, where are.... we going again?" Jamie asked, yawning in between words.

" To the first pearl, I know how to get into the underworld. There is an entrance in Hollywood

"Cool, so are you going to wait until Alex is awake to shadow travel there?

"No." I looked at Alex and then back at the road. " She needs time to rest after shadow traveling to Texas. Besides, it won't take too long."

" But that is in California, that's 2,139.4 miles away in driving time that's about 31 hours away and we don't have that time."

"That didn't occur to me."

I didn't want to hurt Alex, but we had to do this. I pulled over And got out of the car along with Jamie, his pink hair was like a neon light in the dark.

"We can wait for Alex to wake up, but for now she and Ezra need their sleep."

"What's your favorite movie?" Jamie blurted out


"I just thought I would take the time to learn more about you because I never really talked to you in school."

I never thought about that. Jamie and I were just nobodies in school, trying our best to blend in but we never hung out. That's how it is in your first year of high school. Two people can be practically the same person but never taking the time to recognize it. Popular kids don't talk to other Popular kids, nerds don't talk to other nerds, nobodies don't talk to other nobodies. Because at the end of the day we are all just trying to blend in and trying to be somebody.

"The clash of the titan's movie that came out 5 years ago."

"Interesting, I would say the Mockingjay part 2." Jamie replied

"favorite color?" I asked, trying to continue the conversation.

"Let's see if you can guess." he said pointing at his hair

I let out a soft laugh.

"Who is your....." I looked up at the sky, thinking of a question. "Best friend," I said finishing the question. "And it's okay if I'm not," I added quickly

"I would probably say Alex, I have known her since 5th grade and I know I'm not her best friend but she helped me through a lot, she is kind of like my little sister."

"Aren't you guys the same age?"

"I am older than her by 2 days. My birthday is February 10 and hers is the 12th."

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