♡Chapter Twelve♡

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Danny's running had seized yet he didn't remove his hand from hers instead the grip got tighter, [Y/N] began to feel nervous, an arising tingling sensation coursing through her cold body. She didn't attempt to move away or slide her hand out however, the girl played it safe waiting for him to say something or make a move first; he had no weapon on him from what she could see unless it was hidden somewhere out of sight.

A few more minutes passed quietly by the killer glancing around, the two of them were somewhere in the woods with no clearing, no path anymore and no sounds could be heard; not even the crows that usually cawed high up in the trees. [Y/N] sensed an eery atmosphere stir she flickered her [E/C] eyes side to side, trying hard to see any movement, ears pricked up to hear the faintest of noises; yet there was still nothing it was as though her senses had been ripped away.

"Sorry doll I may have gotten us lost out here, how stupid of me I thought I knew these woods so well too..." Danny's voice sounded different, not like his energetic one back at the site.
A thumb rubbed a long the back of the girl's hand, it didn't come across as comforting or apologetic though; it felt more like a scare tactic or something.

"Can you let go of my hand now?"
That's all [Y/N] could think of saying.
Gently she tried to coax the other off of her hand, Danny slowly complied turning around to look at her through those black holes for eyes. Once she had a free hand again it went straight to her side like the other one, now all that was left to do was find out where they are and how to get back.
"We should find our way back to the site forget about Ji-Woon, he'll come back when he's ready. I don't even know why I let you drag me out here like this."

"Aw don't be so sour... Ji-Woon is closer than you think, sweet heart."
A low chuckle escaped his lips followed by some rustling, it was hard for the girl to see but she could make out the gleam of a sharp object.

"What do you mean? And don't call me that... Forget it, I'll find my own way back." [Y/N] turned around away from Danny, beggining to walk quickly; occasionally turning back to see if he was following. Flipping her head back though she bumped into something or someone, because a laugh bellowed out.

"Hello again girlie, long time no see."
That voice. It was all too familair. Why did it have to be him of all people? Why was he out here? How was he even alive and breathing?
Suddenly everything clicked into place, [Y/N] tripped backwards but was caught by a pair of arms wrapping around her waist.

"I knew you'd fall for me eventually,
me and you have a good connection."
Danny's voice was cold on her neck,
her hairs standing on edge; it was obvious he was being sarcastic.

What was [Y/N] supposed to do in this situation? All she can think of is how stupid it was of her to go along with Ghostface in the first place, how could she not think he had ill intentions? [Y/N] trusted some killers the ones that had shown an interest in her, showed compassion and caring; Ghostface showed the same things but it was all masked to get her in the current position. Now the girl was trapped in an unfamiliar place with two killers that clearly had something sinister planned, all due her foolishly believing Danny. As Ghostface dragged [Y/N] backwards with a blade jabbing into her back Clown chucked a person to the floor without them making a sound, squinting her eyes slightly that person was shown to be a beaten up, bloodied Ji-Woon; eyes closed and obviously unconscious [Y/N] felt her world begin to crumble.

"I didn't think it would be so easy to get you both here but here we are,
I've been waiting to get some revenge for what you two brats did to me back then. Ya see girlie the problem is me and Ghostie here have been seeing you and the boy together a lot and well, we're here to put an end to that."
Clown flipped that butterfly knife in his hand laughing his usual chest heavy laugh, Ji-Woon lay on his front comepletely void of movement [Y/N] was then jolted forwards by Danny falling on to her hands and knees.

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