Part 1

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Tatiana Point of View - This Is Such A Hard Time For Me. And You probably think I live an good life but no it's actually terrible, nerve wrecking and diabolical. I'm Married To A Man I don't even love because I was forced to married him and because you guess it *Money* I married a devil an a vile, spiteful, uncaring,cold-hearted person named Tommy Mottola.  He abuses me and cheats on me constantly but I can't leave Everytime I tried to leave it he always been an manipulator. 

But Let's Get To The Beginning. I am Tatiana Thumbtzen Born In Clearwater Florida On April 22, 1960. I was adopted by Stella And Bryan Thumbtzen And I have no brothers or sisters. My Parents I haven't seen ever since I got married to Tommy Mottola. He Promised To Give Them 25 million dollars to marry me and control me and I sick of tired of it but one day I will get out this Nasty stressful marriage. Let's get to the story

Tatiana Point Of View- *Sleeping on the couch when someone comes in the door and she looks up to see her nasty excuse of an husband she hasn't seen in 3 days due to he probably cheating or doing other stuff. Hey Tommy Where Have You Been I called you haven't answer my phone calls or nothing like that.*

I been busy working and it's non of your damn business where I've been. Stay In A Woman Place and learn How to be a good wife. And Where My Breakfast I am Starving My Ass Off*Tommy Glares At Her With an*angry look*.

Tatiana Point Of View*- I didn't know your were coming home I didn't know I'm sorry. I'll go make it now.*walks to the kitchen*. Pulls Eggs,Bacon,Grits Out The Refigerator. When She Turns Around Tommy Punches her in the Jaw Making Her Bleed And Her Dropping To The Floor. *A tear falls from Tatiana eye with her rubbing her jaw*.

Ugh Why Did I bother even marrying you whore your so damn irresponsible I am leaving and Don't You Bother Going Nowhere. Nick would let me know if you're trying to sneak out and go somewhere without me knowing I will be gone for about another two weeks and don't you f****** go nowhere.*Tommy says then he leaves and slams the door* I hate his ass so f****** much *Tatiana Says While cleaning up the floor and picking the thing she wasted on the floor and throwing it in the trash. Got to get this f****** blood off my damn jaw because I am sick and tired of him abusing me one day I will show his ass who the real boss is.

Let's get to Michael's point of view*-in his bedroom in Neverland reading the way you make me feel lyrics and reading them all and all over again to make sure nothing is wrong or messed up. Because you know Michael is a perfectionist. while he's making sure the lyrics are good and then Frank barges in and and tells Michael they got to go to a meet and greet event in Chicago. And then *Michael says can we wait till next week because you know I got to film the video and do the auditions for The way You Make me feel Video. Can't we just postponed it until Friday of next week.

No I already postponed the video and auditions to next Friday so let's go now or else. Frank saids while  smoking on his cigar *or else what Michael says* you'll see now let's go Frank yells and then walks out the door. He's such an a****** Michael whispers under his breath* Michael goes to his closet and puts on a red and black jacket with a white band and some black slacks and a white shirt and then he puts on his Ray-Ban sunglasses. and did he calls Greg and Sheryl and Ricky and Jonathan tells them to meet him at the airport in 45 minutes.

*Hurry it up Frank says *we got to be in the airport in 45 minutes and I also heard that at least twenty-five to thirty thousand people are going to be in the meet and greet at Chicago. I am coming Michael Yells* he puts on his loafers and walks out the door.

Don't get me wrong I love my fans but I wish I had a normal and peaceful life it's just so hard being famous at 5 years old and being the industry for over 20-something years I wish that I had a family and a girl to love but you know my life isn't easy at all times. I am always on the road I am always so busy I don't even have time to visit my family but they always support and my dreams. the only person I don't ever talk to is Joseph and you should know why because he been abusing me and my brothers and sisters since the age of five years old I never hate but sometimes I just can't stand him. *He said while Getting Into The Limo and did he shuts the door*. 

So are you ready for this meet and greet* Frank and bill says at the same time*. Not really my life is so hard and stressful I just wish I had a girl that would love me for me and not my fame or wealth. But you know what you guys say focus on your career and not on women or children yet in life. Do you understand your at Your prime right now ain't no time for that BS Frank Says* 

*Whatever Michael says under his breath* can I just sit back and enjoy the ride and not talk to anyone until we get to the airport* Michael Says* okay both Bill and Frank Says While Looking Out The Windows. Finally I whisper* .

As I look out the window and see the most beautiful girl I ever seen in my entire life she have beautiful brown curls but they are wrapped up in a ponytail. With a black top and blue slit jeans with 3-inch heels on looking so amazing while she looking through a magazine with a big tall dude by her side. The Dude beside her looks just like bodyguard or is that her boyfriend I said to myself*. Why am I worried about her I need to focus on my career and not no woman on the side of the street but she is so beautiful I hope that dude beside her is treating her right.  I look at the side in the front of the road I realize I need to know her name I say in my head.* we arrived at the airport and I see Sheryl ,Greg Ricky and Jonathan waving at me at the side of my private jet plane. On the other side of the building. I walk with my bodyguards and Frank and peel to make sure I don't be recognized because you know it can be a pile of fans mobbing me or chasing me throughout whatever I go. When I get to the the exit door I see paparazzi around the coming towards me. Me and The bodyguard start run with Sheryl Jonathan and Greg and Ricky is at. I finally get to the plane and my bodyguards are stopping the paparazzi from chasing me. I finally  get on the plane with the rest of the crew and that's when the plane starts to take off. 

Lets to Tatiana point of view. I am reading a magazine with Nick by my side I wonder what it's like for women not to have abusive husband in life. I just wish Tommy would stop the abuse and go back to the caring and loving person that he always was not the evil trashy monster that he is right now. You cannot change a Rich Man with loads of money into a caring person they always focus on other things except for their loved ones or even spouses. I just wish I was with someone who love me for me and cares for me and not abuses me and put their hands on me all the time for stupid things that is not even necessary for putting your hands on a person for. hopefully one day I meet this someone who's going to truly care for me and they can trust me.

When I look on the side I see a homeless mother and her child asking for food and I realize let me do something for them. I walk into a grocery store to pick up some snacks and food for the homeless mother and child I pay for it and walked back out the store*.  I tell Nick I am going to go over there where the homeless mother and child is it and get him some food and some cash to help them out. Nick tells me fine and hurry right back.* I give the homeless woman and her child $500 and some food and snacks to make sure it helps them with everything they need help on. They say thank you and it melts my heart with somebody appreciate what I do for them. I leave and go back where Nick is it and he tells me  we got to hurry up and get back to the house but I still have to get the grocery shopping yet. * I tell Nick. 

You can worry about that tomorrow but Tommy wants us back at the house right now I say whatever is and get back into the Cadillac and then Nick drives off*

Hey You Guys It Tanyshea This is my first chapter so bare with me.

@instagram is jacksonxthumbtzenx and is my only Instagram.

Have a great day you guys !.

JacksonxThumbtzenx 18+ Help Me Survive.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora