Chapter 5 - Apologizing

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𝔸𝕓𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕝'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

I saw Carlos in the hallway and I quickly speeded up to catch up with him "Carlos!" I said, Carlos looked at me, His friends weren't around and I looked at him sadly.

"Yes?.." Carlos asked sadly, He seemed pretty sad still about what happened earlier today when I yelled at him.

"I just wanted to apologize for what I said" I started "You dont have a choice on who your parents are and neither do I, I hope we can at least be friends like our mothers used to be in school, Its just.. They scare me, My parents, Its cheesy I know because you four have been threw Worse" I said and stopped to take a break.

"But My parents have trained me to not trust De Vils due to what happened to their Dogs, They probably love the Dalmatians more then me and my cousin anyway, But still. I hope we can makeup, What I did was wrong.. And I'm sorry" I said as I looked at him.

He started to sadly smile "Thank you... I've never been apologized too before" He said as he looked at me, I've never noticed how his eyes were a beautiful chocolate brown color.

I don't know what happened, but I soon hugged him and quickly pulled away after that and something just happened between us

"Ooh, Lalala Oooh, Yeah" I started to sing

"I know it might be crazy" Carlos sang as he did a Coo-Coo sign when saying Crazy

"But did you hear the story?" He sang as he gave me what looked like his map or rulebook.

"I think I heard it Vaguely!" I sang as I gave him back his rulebook with a giggle.

"A AK and a VK" He sang, Acting like he was reading the title of a book.

"Oh tell me more De Vil, Sounds like a Fantasy!~" I sang as I booped his nose when saying De Vil

"Oh what could go so wrong, with an AK and a VK" We both sang together as we walked throw the halls.

"Your from the Perfect side of the barrier, while I was from the isle" He sang as he pointed at me.

"Ooh, I've got a feeling, If you get to know me, Baby" I sang, Knowing how Auradon could get.

"Right from the start, you caught my eye, And something inside me came to life" Carlos sang

"Ooh, I've got a feeling, If you get to know Me!" I repeated

"Someday! This could be, this could be ordinary, Someday! Could we be something extraordinary?" We both sang together

"You and me side by side!" Carlos sang as he pointed at me then himself and got beside me.

"Out in the broad daylight!~" We both sang together 

"If they laugh, we'll say-" We sang together

"We're gonna be someday, We're gonna be someday!" We sang together and danced together.

"Someday, someday!" I sang

"We're gonna be someday, We're gonna be someday!" We sang together and we kept dancing together.

"Girl, you look delicious.. Oh, I mean gorgeous!" Carlos sang as he corrected himself after Delicious.

"Well, now you're getting fearless!" I sang and crossed my arms.

"No, I'm just rooting for us" Carlos corrected me while singing as he smirked teasingly, His smirk was adorable.

"If different was a superpower.. We'd be so flawless" I sang with a smile and acted like Superman flying."

Yeah, we could make these two worlds ours! I'm rooting for us!" We sang togethdark"

Two lonely hearts meet in the dark, Imagine it now they start a spark" Carlos sang, covering my eyes at Dark but then uncovering them at Spark."

You got my attention, What happens next, then?" I asked as I looked at him curiously.

"Movies and long walks in the park, Hanging out anywhere we want" He sang.

"I like the way you're thinking, I can almost see it" I sang

"Someday! This could be, this could be ordinary, Someday! Could we be something extraordinary?" We sang together 

"You and me side by side, Out in the broad daylight" he repeated.

"If they laugh, we'll say We're gonna be someday! Someday, someday" we sang together

"So let them talk if they wanna, Let them talk if they're gonna! We're gonna do what we wanna! Let them talk, let them talk. If they wanna, they wanna" I sang

"Someday! This could be, this could be ordinary, Someday! Could we be something extraordinary?"We sang together 

"You and me side by side
Out in the broad daylight" Carlos sang

"If they laugh, we'll say. We're gonna be someday Someday, someday, We're gonna be someday Someday, someday We're gonna be someday" We sang together and we stared into each other's eyes before Audrey and Mal stormed up at us and we snapped our heads over at them in shock."

Carlos! We have better stuff to do! Don't fall in love! Its weak!" Mal exclaimed as she pulled him away, grabbing his wrist.

"Abigail! He's a De Vil! Your a Radcliffe! Remember? He's a VK!" Audrey Said VK with disgust as she pulled me away.

"Bye.." I mouthed at him as I waved my hand goodbye, He struggled to get free as he Waved goodbye at me too.

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